Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Depression Research Paper
Depression Research Paper Throughout the nation and our world people are suffering from this disease. Depression effects people of both genders, all ages, and any background. People once believed that teens never went through any form of severe depression. Some still believe this to be true, but if it were why are teens homicidal and suicidal? This report should give support for the fact that a teens depression deserves attention, not the shrug of the shoulders or the turn of a back. Depression is defined as the point or points is ones lifetime when they are mentally unstable and the emotional state marked by sadness, discouragement, and loss that can occur during the teenage years. Depression causes changes in behavior, thinking and especially changes in ones everyday life. Depression amongst teens generally starts when a child hits puberty, but could possibly begin the day they were born if chemically inbalanced (heredity). Dr. David Kalkstein, psychiatrist at Penn Foundation. Depression can effect anyone, anytime, and anywhere. Teens, children, and adults are all effected, some even have the same problems in common, the causes too. Depression is experienced mostly by teens even though it is mistakenly classified as an adult illness. Twenty percent of high school students are deeply unhappy or have some kind of psychiatric problem. The causes for depression in teens are sometimes more harsh than the causes in adults. In a teens lifetime they have to face many p roblems and sometimes they have to face these problems more than once. Teens have to deal with peer pressure problems at school, problems at home, the deaths of loved ones, and if they are already using drugs this could also be a cause. Many teens also have to deal with the point in their life when they wonder if they are attractive to other people, of the opposite sex. If they do believe that they are unattractive they will most likely feel as though they have failed at something. Then they will act as if they do not care anymore, then the uncaring attitude increases until they no longer care about much at all. Depression also comes after a teenager is trying to learn about himself or herself and understand their body, and their emotions towards others. Sometimes these emotions have to deal with homosexuality and finding out whether or not they like people of the same gender. To many people the idea of homosexuality is disgusting and most people know how others feel about it, so when someone who thinks that he or she is gay, they feel out of place, especially if their family, friends, and loved ones are homophobic. Another cause of depression may be the Acne drug, Accutane. There was a study on this drug. Researchers have tested Accutane on one person and this person used it for a few months, then after a while signs of depression began to appear. When the drug had stopped being used by the person, the signs of the depression cleared. Another cause of depression is said to be smoking, and that most depressed teenagers who are in fact depressed have been smoking. Teens who smoked were at an increases risk of depression at a 73% higher rate than other teens. Sometimes teens may be depressed and it will be easy for people to notice, th is is not always the case. In every teens life, at some point, they are on a roller coaster ride, for this reason it is hard for anyone, even the parents, to distinguish depression from just a plain bad day. This is why it is important for parents to know what to look for, otherwise something bad may happen. One sign to watch for is their grades in school, if you have to, go around and meet with the teachers to see how they are doing in classes and how they are acting when you are not around. As some teens get depressed they sometimes begin not to care for their grades and may not try too hard to keep up in classes. Teens also may begin to isolate themselves from friends and family and only hang around in their room by themselves or try and try to get moments for themselves. If someones depressed their sleeping patterns may change, either theyll sleep all the time, or not at all. They may also act out more, either for the attention, hoping someone will notice their needs or just to irritate others. If youre depressed youre often more irritable yourself, you may start to feel guilty but may have no reason to, you may make rash decisions and go through with things without thinking of the outcome. Lastly, you may make the most devastating decision of threatening suicide, or even worse, going through with it. Most children suffering from depression dont say theyre sad. They dont even appear gloomy, says child psychiatrist Paramjit Kaur Joshi, M.D. of Johns Hopkins. Instead, theyre often extremely irritable. Depression has an effect on a lot of people, most of all the people who care. Depression causes stress on everyone, who is involved with the depressed person, they may try to help but usually the person who is depressed believes that no one cares for them in them and will basically tell everyone and anyone to take a hike. Depression in a teens life may make the parents feel as if its entirely their fault but its not. Sometimes which is basically most of the time the effects of depression will take a very drastic turn for the worse. In saying this, I am speaking of suicide. In some cases teens are able to deal with what they are going through and get the help they need, while others feel theres not use. Some teens also feel as if they are the cause for everything that has been going wrong all around them, and think that by killing themselves the world would be a better place for everyone. In most cases some parents know, or have an idea, that their child may be suicidal, but usually the topic doesnt arise. This is because parents believe that if they do talk to their teens about suicide they will get ideas and attempt it to escape any problems. The parents are wrong in doing this because if the teen knows that someone cares they may feel better about everything that has been happening. This way if they are talked to they will be able to express their feelings and maybe get the help that they need and deserve. Suicide occurs when someone has unclear thoughts and they mix with their depression resulting in a deadly outcome. Suicide is the leading killer i n the United States among people ages 10-24 and it is the second largest killer for teens ages 15-19, with accidents being the first. Teen suicides are attempted by both male and female. Teen boys are five times more likely to commit suicide over girls, but the girls are more likely to attempt suicide. This is because boys tend to find more violent and successful ways. Firearms are also used in 50% of all the suicide cases, and the numbers are also increasing. In 1990 alone 12,000 deaths due to suicide were caused by the use of guns. In these 12,000 deaths 2,000 of them were teens. If you are able to steer away from suicide, treatment is key. There are three ways that I know of to help survive depression. The better ways include family members and close loved ones because you know that they really care. Antidepressants are drugs that alter the chemicals in your body to a neutral state, which helps with depression, but sometimes this is not the way to go since people have been known to get a little too addicted. Psychotherapy is one on one sessions with a psychiatrist who may be able to see why you were depressed and help to make you understand yourself and why you feel the ways that you do. The best way to go is Help Groups because this way you are around people that you know have gone through the same kind of thing and will understand you better. But also the reason that this is so good is because you are allowed to bring family and friends so that you will be able to go through it with people who care for you and whom you care about. Everywhere you go, you hear people saying that the children are the future. If these children and teens are depressed now, how will it be in 20 years when they have high ranking jobs which influence everyone so much? They may still be depressed if no one reached out for them and their needs. Dont forget that they will be paying your social security. Somehow you will have to repay them for that, listening and helping them with their problems now will do just that. As you always hear people say, Itll make the world a better place. The sooner that these teens and children are helped the better. In this century each generation has experienced major depressions at earlier ages, and the next generations have even higher risks.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Chief Justices Prepositional Slip
The Chief Justices Prepositional Slip The Chief Justices Prepositional Slip The Chief Justices Prepositional Slip By Maeve Maddox Most of the comments about the Chief Justices verbal stumble while administering the Presidential oath focus on the adverb faithfully. Not many pundits talk about the changing of of to to in the phrase President of the United States. Heres the Presidential oath as prescribed by law: I, (So and So), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. The formula so help me God is traditionally added. Heres the mixed-up line that that Roberts modeled for the President-elect: will execute the office of President to the United States faithfully. Its one thing to move the faithfully. Its something else to alter the preposition in the familiar and immutable phrasing of President of the United States. The phrase President of the United States is not open to variation. In what context would we ever say President to the United States? One can speak of an ambassador to the United States or an ambassador of the United States. In the first instance, to makes it clear that the ambassador belongs somewhere else. He may be attached to the United States, but its as an outsider. In the second instance, the of makes it clear that the ambassador is carrying on the work of the United States. So why would Chief Justice Roberts come up with the unprecedented President to the United States while delivering the oath of office? Could it have been an example of parapraxis? parapraxis [pÄÆ'rÉ™-prÄÆ'ksÄ s]: a verbal mistake that is thought to reveal an unconscious belief, thought, or emotion. Parapraxis is more commonly known as a Freudian slip. As senator, Obama objected to the appointment of Roberts to the Supreme Court. Its not unreasonable to think that Roberts was less than happy to have the task of swearing Obama in as President. Heres a possible interpretation of the substitution of to for of. Both of and to have myriad applications in English, but in these two phrases, of has the force of joining, while to has the effect of distancing. Could there have been an unconscious wish to distance Obama from the office? The preposition switch may not be evidence of parapraxis, but the fact remains that Roberts did mess up the oath. Poor guy! Hes earned himself forever the distinction of being the first justice to to stumble over the 35-word oath in the course of sixty-four years and eleven Presidents. Afterthoughts 1. Some commentators put the blame on Obama for jumping in after his name, but G.H.W. Bush did the same thing and Justice Rehnquist didnt miss a beat. 2. To be on the safe side, Roberts re-administered the oath in private, the day after the inaugural ceremony. Two other Presidents have received a double dose of the oath: Chester A. Arthur (1829-1886) and Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933), both Vice-Presidents succeeding a deceased President. Arthur took the oath in his own home, at midnight, upon receiving word that President Garfield was dead. N.Y. Supreme Court justice John R. Brady administered it, but two days later Arthur swore the oath a second time. Calvin Coolidge was in Vermont when President Harding died in California. Coolidges father, a notary public, administered the oath at 2:47 a.m. Next day Coolidge returned to Washington where he repeated the oath before Justice A. A. Hoehling. You may enjoy watching this video of Presidents from FDR to G.W. Bush taking the oath. Notice that LBJ, being sworn in while still in shock, said I do solemnly swear without inserting his name after the I. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Farther vs. FurtherWhat to Do When Words Appear Twice in a RowDissatisfied vs. Unsatisfied
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Euthyphro (Platos Early Dialogues) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Euthyphro (Platos Early Dialogues) - Essay Example Does God call something right or moral because it is right or moral or does is something right or moral because God calls it moral? Therefore, if God calls an act moral because it is moral, then morality or goodness will be seen as priori to Gods Command and thus, it is independent of God. On the other hand, if an act is moral because God says it is moral or right, then it implies that whatever God says it is right (Hamilton and Cairns 37). In addition, this also implies that Gods command of what is moral is arbitrary since the same God could have willed contrary commands. The dialogue presents the challenge that was intended to make us think about the nature of morality. Therefore, when Socrates asks Euthyphro about his definition of the word piety, Euthyphro was required to identify the nature of virtue or morality by establishing on what ground does morality or virtue stand on. It is difficult for an atheist to discover the ground on which morality stands on because they claim tha t they can have ethics or morals without God. Certainly, an atheist can behave in a way that people perceive moral or good but it is really hard to define what the term ultimately means (Plato 10a). It may imply complying with objective standard of morality or good, a policy or law given by legitimate authority without involving a transcendent law maker-the gods. This means that there can be no transcendent law maker and no corresponding duty to be good. Most Christians oppose the argument that there is an arbitrary role of God’s power and rejects the idea that there is no law or policy over God. Then, where does morality stands? Morality can be said to be grounded in the divine and immutable character of God who is perfectly good in that his commands are not whims but planted in his holiness. Christians argue that any bad things that happen are not commanded by God because his character is that he is holy and merciful. For Christians, morality is rooted in God’s chara cter which expresses itself in the commands of God and it is not above him. In sum, whatever is good is always commanded by God not that it is good so that God commands it to be good (Cooper 41). Christians argue that God ultimately determines the pious or morality and that the commands of God are expression of his desires and will for what human beings ought to do. This is because such argument presents a metaphysical foundation of piety or morality. Human beings need to be committed to the existence of moral truths in order for them to live in accordance with the will of God. This means the existence of moral truths for people since they have moral obligation to obey what God commands. This is so because Christians believe that their moral obligation comes from God in form of commands. Thus, people ought to be moral because they are morally accountable to God in that those people who do not obey him will be punished and good people will receive rewards (Plato 10b). Plato’s dialogue regarding the nature of morality or goodness is still being raised even today as a challenge to Christianity in that many Christians ask themselves is an action or act good or right because God says it is right or does god say it is good or right because the act is right. The Euthyphro dilemma is traced in
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Operations Management - Material requirements planning & Just in Time Essay
Operations Management - Material requirements planning & Just in Time ( 2 CASE STUDY - ) HAVE TO ANSWER STUDYING THE CASES - Essay Example First the scrap is isolated by using scrap bins found in the place of production then the scrap is recorded from the bins daily. Replenishment: the best of this practice is the replacement by use of bar codes for scanning. The pull system is also used. Planners can order materials by use of min-max scanning system depending on the product complexity. Production reporting: bar code scanning can be used to put production to inventory. The rejected product is moved to a material review board. Reverse receiving is done for containers that need to be sorted. To get better flow is one of the philosophies of JIT. This can be applied in staircase cell running in order to avoid time loss. To get better flow meant identifying the various processes needed and as well organizing them. This avoids time wastage during the time of running the activity. Reducing the times and distances in the process which ensures every thing that is needed is in place. Achieving quicker throughput times, Dean can achieve this in staircase cell by providing every material that is needed. Cost benefit categories in this case are in different ways. For instance is the manufacturing cost benefit. In this category, in establishing the cell it should be ensured that the cost incurred in production is less the product sales. Another category is the production cost benefit where by the cost of production in relation to JIT Techniques should be rewarding. For instance it should not be less than the profits gained. Next is the time cost where by each duty is performed at its specific time period to avoid overlap of activities reducing the benefits as suggested by Pycraft (2000). JIT (Just-in-Time) techniques give a cost effective production of the cell and its delivery as well according to Cleland and Ireland (2006). It does this in the right place and time. In the same time benefits in term of minimum of facilities, material, equipments
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Fresh Water Essay Example for Free
Fresh Water Essay The greatest similarity between fresh and salt water is that both are basically the same chemical water, although the contents of other materials dissolved in it differ. Both contain some amount dissolved chemical in it though the quantities vary. Both form different links in the water cycle of the nature. Both are homes to aquatic life. Difference: Salt water contains much higher quantities of dissolved chemicals as compared to fresh water. This higher concentration of chemical also raises the density of salt water above that of fresh water. Plant and animals living in two types of water bodies are different. Salt water is found only as large standing bodies of water. Most of these are in form of seas and oceans, although though some lakes including very large ones considered to be sea also contain salt water. Fresh water is found in standing bodies of water called lakes, as well as running water as in rivers and streams. Fresh water is available in many other forms such as in rain, and ice caps in the poles and in very cold places. However no fresh water is found in seas and oceans. Fresh water is used for drinking as well as many industrial processes. However salt water is generally not suitable for most of the industrial use except for cooling. On the other hand salt water is used as a source of some chemicals, particularly common salt. Freshwater does not yield any such chemicals. Comparing Fresh water and ocean water, each has their differences. Most notable is animals living in each. The animals that live in the Salt ocean water would not survive in fresh water for an extended length of time. Same holds true for fresh water animals. However there are a few species that have adapted and can live in both. Some Salt water animals have also evolved to live in Fresh water. Humans cannot drink ocean water without dying. The salt in it dehydrates you to the point you die of thirst. In order to drink ocean water you have to desalinate it in one of many ways. Boiling it being one way. Ocean water also contains every natural element on the planet. If we could find a way to mine the water that is cost effective, we would have a lot more resources. Ocean water freezes at 26 degrees F and fresh at 32. While only 6 degrees difference in water terms that is huge. It prevents a vast amount of the oceans from freezing over in the winter, of course global warming has helped with that. As for your comment of only 3% of the worlds oceans is fresh water, it is very true. While there is a lot of surface area of fresh water the oceans are miles deep. The deepest point on Earth is approx 35,000ft below sea level or about 6. 75 miles down. Many of the deepest lakes only hit about 2000 to 3000 ft deep. Also when you compare the surface area of the fresh water bodies comparies to the oceans there isnt much. The great lakes between Canada and the USA contain 20% of all fresh water on the planet. That is enough water to cover the entire USA with 9. 5 feet of water. When compared to the oceans that isnt much. So dont be surprised. Fresh water is lighter than salt water. Therefore, fresh water floats on top of salt water. This principle becomes extremely important when considering the drilling of a well in order to tap into the ground water of any island. The weight of the rain water that percolates into the ground depresses the salt water beneath it forming a profile that has the appearance of a lens. This is called the Ghyben-Herzberg lens. The principle of this relationship was discovered independently by a Dutch scientist named Baden-Ghyben and a German scientist named Herzberg. The underground boundary that separates the fresh water layer from the salt water is not a sharp boundary line. In reality, this boundary is a transition zone of brackish water (fresh/salt mixture). This is caused by seasonal fluctuations in rainfall, tidal action, and the amount of water being withdrawn either by humans or by natural discharge. Fresh water has a density of 1. 0 while salt water has a density of 1. 025. From this, you can see that salt water is slightly heavier than fresh water. The ratio between the two is 41:40. The formation of the Ghyben-Herzberg lens has a profound effect upon the availability of fresh water on an island. This principle essentially states that for every foot of ground water above sea level there are forty feet of fresh water below sea level! The mathematical formula for the fresh to salt water relationship is: hs = hf / es ef where hs is the depth of fresh water below sea level, hf is the depth of fresh water above sea level, es is the density of salt water, and ef is the density of fresh water. Using the common density figures for fresh and salt water the formula can thus be simplified into hs = hf / . 025 Understand that this applies only to fresh ground water that is sitting directly on an intruded body of salt water. It has no meaning on a large island where an inland body of ground water may be confined by layers and dikes of lava rock. On islands that are largely composed of dense lava rock, little if any salt water intrudes very far into the underlying rock structure. It is generally only in shoreline regions that salt water intrudes into the cracks, crevices, and loose rock spaces. On low, small islands that are largely composed of coral or other porous materials, salt water intrusion into the underlying interior is quite common. The drilling or digging of wells on these islands and especially on along the shoreline must be done with care. Going too deeply will penetrate the transition zone and result in salt water infiltration and the contamination of the fresh water in the well. I have seen such a well dug in solid lava rock along the shoreline in the Ka u District on the island of Hawai‘i. This well was located a few feet above the high tide line approximately a hundred feet from the ocean. The opening was rectangular, about 3 1/2 feet wide, and 6+ feet long. On one end a set of stairs had been cut into the rock allowing one to walk down five or six feet to the level of the well water. This well was unused as there are no dwellings or settlements in the immediate area. In fact, the area was considered to be range land where a few head of cattle managed to find enough to eat in this dry, desert-like environment. The size and construction of the well indicated that at one time it may have served a considerable number of people and possibly even an old Hawaiian village. Unfortunately the well had been abandoned and neglected. It contained a fair amount of decaying leaves and grass. There was also a considerable amount of broken glass from beer bottles that had been thrown against the interior sides of the well. This was probably done by shore fishermen who frequented the area from time to time and used the well as a convenient trash dump during evening camping parties. Nonetheless, the well serves as an excellent example of the Ghyben-Herzberg lenss importance to the availability of fresh water in a place where one might think that none can be found. I already had listed some differences of salt water versus fresh water so here are some similarities;
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Kingship in Shakesperean Plays Essay -- Kings Royalty Shakespeare Essa
Kingship in Shakesperean Plays Due to the powerful influence of the monarchy, the nature, duties and responsibilities of kingship were of particular interest to Shakespeare. The mark of a bad king was the decline of the political, social and economic climates, while the mark of a good king was the blossoming of such worlds. Therefore, the characteristics of the person occupying the kingship were crucial to the health of the nation. Shakespeare explores this issue in many of his plays by examining the traits of poorly fulfilled kingships, and the political and social ramifications of such monarchical failures. He does this most notably in Macbeth and Richard II. In both plays Shakespeare ultimately concludes that tyrants are formed by their own lack of foresight, strong lusts for power, overly large egos, unstable natures and rash tempers. When a king fails his country it is because he has neglected his duties and responsibilities to the state. To do so is to spit in the face of God, the state and the people . Thus, in both Macbeth and Richard II, Shakespeare defines the nature, duties and responsibility of a successful kingship by exploring the ramifications and manifestations of a denial of or lack of such characteristics in the person occupying this position. Throughout the Shakespearian plays, particularly in those that explore the issues of kingship, the theme of foresight runs strong. A king must have considerable levels of foresight within his nature in order to retain the kingship. He must be able to identify potential threats to his throne by recognizing unhealthy lusts for power and ambition in the men and women that surround him. If a king does not have this foresight within his nature, or if he ... ...God more greatly than a blasphemous utterance from a commoner. A king’s sacrilege is divine betrayal to the highest degree. Thus, in both Macbeth and Richard II, Shakespeare outlines the duties of kingship, and implies that to deny such responsibilities is to betray God, the state and the people. Throughout his plays, Shakespeare explores the nature, duties and responsibilities of kingship. A healthy amount of foresight and suspicion must be within a king’s nature in order to recognize ambition in the men and women that surround him. He must also be benevolent, reward the loyal, and think of the wants and needs of his nation before he thinks of his own selfish interests. To not do so will result in not only the devastation of a nation, but it is also sacrilege. Shakespeare explores and supports this theme most notably convincingly in Macbeth and Richard II.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Impact of Party Drugs on the Youth Culture Essay
Adolescence refers to the age group from 14 to 26 years. Ten percent of this age group use party drugs (Bennett, 2003). According to Arnett (2004) , this period of development is distinguished by five characteristics: identity exploration, instability, self-focus, a feeling of in-between and possibilities (Arnett, 2004, pg. 14). It is against these five characteristics that the impact of party drugs on the youth culture will be assessed. This essay will explore how the characteristics of adolescence place teenagers at risk from drug experimentation and how the perception of policy makers will influence the community’s response to the problem. The exploration of identity involves having a range of experiences that provides the adolescent with the means to assess the possibilities for the purpose of formulating a distinctive self-image. To do this requires that the teenager have a range of experiences that seem distinct from those experienced through their parents. This journey of exploration results in an introverted focus on self and a sense of becoming, of being caught in the middle. In the individualised cultures of western societies, this transition involves a separation from parents and the construction of an independent self-sufficient identity (Arnett, 2004). The instability can often manifest in ‘risky behaviours’. Although adolescence is a time for the construction of a unique self identity, it is also a time when a sense of belonging is engendered through common cultural construction. One subset of this cultural construction is the rave party scene that is a global phenomenon of the youth subculture (Shapiro, 1999). A rave party is often a large gathering of young people in an atmosphere where there is music and laser lights. This sub-culture is linked to the drug culture through party drugs such as ecstasy and ketamine. The effect of these drugs is to create a sense of wellbeing and a feeling of lightness. The choice to take drugs is an individual one and is part of the desire to escape from the pressures of adolescence. The rave party by its very nature is essentially a form of escape. What then are adolescences escaping from? The very nature of adolescence: the sense of being without identity, the lack of a mental framework to manage the adult world and the pressures of identity construction, create tensions in the person. This escapism is not confined to adolescences as many adults abuse alcohol and amphetamines as a means of escaping the pressures of the adult world. For many users, taking the drug is part of the risk behaviour of adolescence that has the pay-off of feelings of well-being. They do not se themselves as drug users as they do not view their use of party drugs as being a problem. This normalises drug use and makes it difficult for agencies to intervene (Duff, 2003). It is wrong however to assume that all users are escaping from something. One of the features of adolescence is the search for identity and self meaning. This search behaviour creates a heightened sense of curiosity in adolescents as they seek to make sense of self. This curiosity can evolve unconsciously to drug abuse through prolonged use as a result of the uplifting effects of the first experience. The need to fund the regular purchase of the drug can lead into dealing. Bad experiences often will not cause a rejection of the drug as these pale against the many pleasures that the individual has experienced. The chain of events can have dire consequences for the individual as a health problem becomes a criminal problem. The long term destruction that criminalisation of drugs causes to young people is good reason to see drug abuse as a health problem. Within party drug users there are the same segments that are feature of any drug user cross section. Some users abuse the drug and are at risk from overdose and dehydration. Others are more controlled and cautious in their use. This group is at risk from being unable to identify the ingredients of the drug that they are purchasing. One of the key problems with party drugs is the inability for the buyer to know the ingredients contained in the drug that they are purchasing (VAAD, 2003). Users of party drugs will tend to repeat their use on a regular basis. According to Baxter (2003) users are concerned that there is no means of determining the purity and reducing the level of risk. Males tend to use party drugs more frequently than females. This tends to indicate that there is greater gender difference where males are less risk averse. This trend is declining as more and more females are using party drugs. This trend reflects the emancipation of women and a stronger sense of independence amongst adolescent women. The traditional delineation of the rite of passage for the male and the female have become blurred in modern society. Women will often use drugs to challenge the traditional perceptions of their role in society. Within the community, there are people that see drug abuse as being criminal while others see it as a social and health problem. The criminal perspective adopts a punishment solution with rehabilitation. Such a position can have a long term effect on the individual due to problems faced with travel and employment. Community response is to increase policing and to use strategies such as sniffer dogs in public and undercover police at venues to catch the suppliers and users. Police raids will be conducted on rave parties. Such an approach marginalises the rave culture and runs the risk of impairing the social development of the individual. The perspective that sees the issue as a health issue seeks to develop preventative programmes that educate people. Greater understanding is sought for the motivation of young people for taking drugs through social research. Strategies for assisting at risk people are developed that provides for free, readily available access to health care and treatment. The health professional will often argue for the decriminalisation of the drug so that it can be obtained in a controlled manner and the purity of the product guaranteed. When considered against the characteristics of adolescence as provided by Arnett (2004), this approach appears to be the least detrimental to the social and personal development of the adolescent. Government programs, such as Ravesafe, adopt this approach. One of the prime reasons that this approach should prevail is that party drugs are seen by the user as being catalysts for self reflection and construction of identity. Their sense of self and social relationships results in a positive self-image which may be in contradiction to how they feel when in the adult world. The party drug tends to alleviate insecurity and doubt. Research has shown that there might be some overflow from the atmosphere of the rave party to real life. The need for early intervention arises from the research findings that drug abuse is often a precursor for youth suicide, crime and metal illness (VAAD, 2003). Interventionist strategies will view drug use as a problem which immediately places the interventionist in opposition to the youth culture. The clash between the pleasures of the drug and the potential harm of the drug creates a generational clash (Duff, 2003). To deal with the issue it is necessary to accept the reality of use and work on fostering environments that support safe use. If this is provided then it will reduce the ‘trial and error’ approach that is a feature of the risk behaviour of adolescents. VAAD (2003) found that the problem can be best solved through drug education that must resist seeing the youth culture as a homogeneous group. Adolescents involved in the rave scene come from a wide variety of backgrounds (Shapiro, 1999). Because there is little understanding of the attitudes of youth subgroups within the rave scene it is necessary for more research to be done (Baxter, 2003). In this way the content and approach of the drug education programme can directly appeal to the target segment. This will help in a more receptive response from the target group. In conclusion, the developmental characteristics of adolescence creates a natural disposition towards drug experimentation amongst some segments of teenagers. Party drugs are often seen as being part of the scene that assist in the integration of the individual with both self and the group that they belong to. Drug use can be used by the female gender to reconstruct identity. Given these features, the perspective that drug use should be a criminal offence resulting in punishment and long term consequences for the individual seems self defeating. The view that drug abuse has the potential to be a health problem will result in a community response that is more supportive to the individual. The safety of the drug can be established and the social stigma placed on adolescents can be removed. Social policy needs to consider the developmental characteristics of adolescence in its construction.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Life Ambitions Essay
Owen Stuart Phillips-Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose Scouting has taught me many things about myself. It is a big part of who I am now and it will stay with me forever. Through Scouting, I have learned the importance of preparation, personal responsibility, service to others, and leadership skills. I first started out with Cub Scouts where I earned every rank and received my Arrow of Light. After Cub Scouts, I crossed over to Boy Scouts and joined Troop 40. I have been extremely involved with my Troop and I have done almost everything they have had to offer. I am proud of the fact that I will be the 6th member of my extended family (cousins) to earn the rank of Eagle Scout from Troop 40, all under the guidance of the same Scoutmaster, Mr. Clifton Glover. I plan on staying involved Scouts to improve on my leadership skills and earn additional merit badges. I would also like to earn the three Eagle Palms. In school I am an honor roll student. I am in the band and I have received awards at band competitions in Greenville at ECU and Music Performance Adjudication held in Jacksonville. When I was in the 5th grade I completed the DARE program which stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education. We were required to write a 2 page essay to complete the course. The winning essay would be read aloud by the student at the graduation ceremony. My essay won the competition, I received a trophy and I was very proud. I play sports such as football, baseball, and wrestling. I have been team captain in football. I was also asked to participate in a youth football instructional video for Championship Productions. The video was filmed at Wingate University with other youth players and college coaches, demonstrating football drills and fundamentals. The video will be sold to youth players and coaches nationwide. After I graduate High School, I have strong interests in applying to our Military Service Academies. I would like to be an officer in the Military because I feel like I can be a leader instead of a follower. I started getting strong interests in the Military Academies when we went on a camp out to the United States Military Academy at West Point. It was a great experience and I absolutely loved every bit of it. If it was not for Scouting, I would have not had that opportunity. I enjoy math and engineering, and would like to pursue a career in this area in the military, such as a combat engineer.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Quotes From Leo Tolstoys Classic Anna Karenina
Quotes From Leo Tolstoy's Classic 'Anna Karenina' Anna Karenina has long been considered one of the greatest works in world literature. First published in 1877, the Russian classic was inspired by a tragic incident that author Leo Tolstoy witnessed. The lengthy novel spans a wide breadth of subject matter, including love, infidelity, and death. Get better acquainted with its themes with the following quotes, or revisit Anna Karenina if youve read the novel already but havent done so recently. This expansive novel is divided into several different books. Excerpts From Book 1 Book 1, Chapter 1 Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Book 1, Chapter 9 The place where [Kitty] stood seemed to him a holy shrine, unapproachable, and there was one moment when he was almost retreating, so overwhelmed was he with terror. He had to make an effort to master himself, and to remind himself that people of all sorts were moving about her, and that he too might come there to skate. He walked down, for a long while avoiding looking at her as at the sun, but seeing her, as one does the sun, without looking. Book 1, Chapter 12 The French fashion - of the parents arranging their childrens future - was not accepted; it was condemned. The English fashion of the complete independence of girls was also not accepted, and not possible in Russian society. The Russian fashion of matchmaking by the officer of intermediate persons was for some reason considered disgraceful; it was ridiculed by everyone, and by the princess herself. But how girls were to be married, and how parents were to marry them, no one knew. Book 1, Chapter 15 I see a man who has serious intentions, thats Levin; and I see a peacock, like this featherhead, whos only amusing himself. Book 1, Chapter 18 And as soon as her brother had reached her, [Anna] flung her left arm around his neck and drew him rapidly to her, and kissed him warmly, with a gesture that struck Vronsky by its decision and its grace. Vronsky gazed, never taking his eyes from her, and smiled, he could not have said why. But recollecting that his mother was waiting for him, he went back again into the carriage. Book 1, Chapter 28 Ive been the cause of that ball being a torture to her instead of a pleasure. But truly, truly its not my fault, or only my fault a little bit, she said, daintily drawling the words a little bit. Passages From Book 2 Book 2, Chapter 4 The highest Petersburg society is essentially one: in it everyone knows everyone else, everyone even visits everyone else. Book 2, Chapter 7 Steps were heard at the door, and Princess Betsy, knowing it was Madame Karenina, glanced at Vronsky. He was looking toward the door, and his face wore a strange new expression. Joyfully, intently, and at the same time timidly, he gazed at the approaching figure, and slowly he rose to his feet. Book 2, Chapter 8 Alexey Alexandorivich had seen nothing striking or improper in the fact that his wife was sitting with Vronsky at a separate table, in eager conversation with him about something. But he noticed that to the rest of the party this appeared to be something striking and improper. He made up his mind that he must speak of it to his wife. Book 2, Chapter 21 She flew over the ditch as though not noticing it. She flew over it like a bird; but at the same instant Vronsky, to his horror, felt that he had failed to keep up with the mares pace, that he had, he did not know how, made a fearful, unpardonable mistake, in recovering his seat in the saddle. All at once his position had shifted and he knew something awful had happened. Book 2, Chapter 25 He vividly recalled all the constantly recurring instances of inevitable necessity for lying and deceit, which were so against his natural bent. He recalled particularly vividly the shame he had more than once detected in her at this necessity for lying and deceit. And he experienced the strange feeling that had sometimes come upon him since his secret love for Anna. This was a feeling of loathing for something - whether for Aleksey Alexandrovich, or for himself, or for the whole world, he could not have said. But he always drove away this strange feeling. Now, too, he shook it off and continued the thread of his thoughts. Highlights From Book 3 Book 3, Chapter 1 To Konstantin, the peasant was simply the chief partner in their common labor. Book 3, Chapter 5 The longer Levin mowed, the oftener he felt the moments of unconsciousness in which it seemed that the scythe was mowing by itself, a body full of life and consciousness of its own, and as though by magic, without thinking of it, the work turned out regular and precise by itself. These were the most blissful moments.  Book 3, Chapter 12 He could not be mistaken. There were no other eyes like those in the world. There was only one creature in the world who could concentrate for him all the brightness and meaning of life. It was she. It was Kitty. Book 3, Chapter 23 I want you not to meet that man here, and to conduct yourself so that neither the world nor the servants can reproach you...not to see him. Thats not much, I think. And in return you will enjoy all the privileges of a faithful wife without fulfilling her duties. Thats all I have to say to you. Now its time for me to go. Im not dining at home. He got up and moved toward the door. Book 3, Chapter 32 Levin said what he had genuinely been thinking of late. He saw nothing but death or the advance toward death in everything. But his cherished scheme only engrossed him all the more. Life had to be got through somehow till death did come. Darkness had fallen, upon everything for him; but just because of this darkness he felt that the one guiding clue in the darkness was his work, and he clutched it and clung to it with all his strength. Quotes From Books 4 and 5 Book 4, Chapter 1 The Kareninas, husband and wife, continued living in the same house, met every day, but were complete strangers to one another. Aleksey Aleksandrovich made it a rule to see his wife every day, so that the servants might have no grounds for suppositions, but avoided dining at home. Vronsky was never at Aleksey Aleksandrovichs house, but Anna saw him away from home, and her husband was aware of it. Book 4, Chapter 13 Levin got up and escorted Kitty to the door. In their conversation everything had been said; it had been said that she loved him and that she would tell her father and mother that he would come tomorrow morning. Book 4, Chapter 23 Oh, why didnt I die? It would have been better! Book 5, Chapter 1 What doubt can you have of the Creator when you behold His creation? the priest went on in the rapid customary jargon. Who has decked the heavenly firmament with its stars? Who has clothed the earth in its beauty? How could it be without the Creator? he said, looking inquiringly at Levin. Book 5, Chapter 18 Levin could not look calmly at his brother; he could not himself be natural and calm in his presence. When he went in to the sick man, his eyes and his attention were unconsciously dimmed, and he did not see and did not distinguish the details of his brothers condition. He smelled the awful odor, saw the dirt, disorder, and miserable condition, and heard the groans, and felt that nothing could be done to help. It never entered his head to analyze the details of the sick mans situation. Book 5, Chapter 18 But Kitty thought, and felt, and acted quite differently. On seeing the sick man, she pitied him. And pity in her womanly heart did not arouse at all that feeling of horror and loathing that it aroused in her husband, but a desire to act, to find out the details of his condition, and to remedy them. Book 5, Chapter 20 In spite of death, he felt the need for life and love. He felt that love saved him from despair, and that this love, under the threat of despair, had become still stronger and purer. The one mystery of death, still unsolved, had scarcely passed before his eyes, when another mystery had arisen, as insoluble, calling to love and to life. The doctor confirmed his suspicion about Kitty. Her indisposition was pregnancy. Book 5, Chapter 33 Hideous! As long as I live I shall never forget it. She said it was a disgrace to sit beside me. Selections From Book 6 Book 6, Chapter 16 And they attack Anna. What for? Am I any better? I have, anyway, a husband I love - not as I would like to love him, still I do love him, while Anna never loved hers. How is she to blame? She wants to live. God has put that in our hearts. Very likely I should have done the same. Book 6, Chapter 18 The one thing, darling, is that I am so glad to have you! said Anna, kissing her again. You havent told me yet how and what you think about me, and I keep wanting to know. But Im glad you will see me as I am. Above all, I wouldnt want people to think that I want to prove anything. I dont want to prove anything; I merely want to live. Book 6, Chapter 25 And he set off for the elections without appealing to her for a candid explanation. It was the first time since the beginning of their intimacy that he had parted from her without a full explanation. From one point of view this troubled him, but on the other hand he felt that it was better so. At first there will be, as this time, something undefined kept back, and then she will get used to it. In any case, I can give up anything for her, but not my independence, he thought. Book 6, Chapter 32 And though she felt sure that his love for her was waning, there was nothing she could do, she could not in any way alter her relations to him. Just as before, only by love and by charm could she keep him. And so, just as before, only by occupation in the day, by morphine at night, could she stifle the fearful thought of what would be if he ceased to love her. Excerpts From Book 7 and 8 Book 7, Chapter 10 Tell your wife that I love her as before, and that if she cannot pardon me my position, then my wish for her is that she may never pardon it. To pardon it, one must go through what I have gone through, and may God spare her that. Book 7, Chapter 11 An extraordinary woman! Its not her cleverness, but she has such wonderful depth of feeling. Im awfully sorry for her. Book 7, Chapter 11 Youre in love with that hateful woman; she has bewitched you! I saw it in your eyes. Yes, yes! What can it all lead to? You were drinking at the club, drinking and gambling, and then you went. Book 7, Chapter 26 Now nothing mattered: going or not going to Vozdvizhenskoe, getting or not getting a divorce from her husband. All that did not matter. The only thing that mattered was punishing him. When she poured out her usual dose of opium, and thought that she had only to drink off the whole bottle to die, it seemed to her so simple and easy that she began musing with enjoyment on how he would suffer, and repent and love her memory when it would be too late. Book 7, Chapter 31 But she did not take her eyes from the wheels of the second car. And exactly at the moment when the midpoint between the wheels drew level with her, she threw away the red bag, and drawing her head back into her shoulders, fell on her hands under the car, and with a light movement, as though she would rise immediately, dropped on her knees. And at the instant she was terror-stricken at what she was doing. Where am I? What am I doing? What for? She tried to get up, to throw herself back; but something huge and merciless struck her on the head and dragged her down on her back. Book 8, Chapter 10 But now, since his marriage, when he had begun to confine himself more and more to living for himself, though he experienced no delight at all at the thought of the work he was doing, he felt absolutely convinced of its necessity, saw that it succeeded far better than in the past, and that it kept on growing more and more. Book 8, Chapter 14 Just as the bees, whirling round him, now menacing him and distracting his attention, prevented him from enjoying complete physical peace, forced him to restrain his movements to avoid them, so had the petty cares that had swarmed about him from the moment he got into the trap restricted his spiritual freedom; but that lasted only so long as he was among them. Just as his bodily strength was still unaffected in spite of the bees, so too was the spiritual strength that he had just become aware of.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Meaning and Origin of the WEST Surname
The Meaning and Origin of the WEST Surname The West surname was most commonly bestowed on a person from the west- someone who had migrated from a place further west, or one who lived to the west of the town or village. Similar surnames include Western, Westerman, and Westray. Alternate Surname Spellings: WESTESurname Origin: English, German Where People With the WEST Surname Live According to surname distribution data from Forebears, West is most prevalent in the United States where it ranks as the 107th most common surname in the nation. It is also a common surname in England (ranked 111th), Australia (131st) and New Zealand (152nd). Within England, West is most frequently found in Buckinghamshire, Sussex, and Kent, followed by Lincolnshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Surrey, and Leicestershire. WorldNames PublicProfiler indicates that within the United Kingdom the West surname is fairly common in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, as well as Isle of Wight and most of southern England. In the United States, West is most common in the South in a swath from Virginia to Oklahoma, especially the states of Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Virginia. West is also a common surname in the Northern Territory of Australia. Famous People With the WEST Last Name Billy West - silent film producer and actorCornel West - political activist and authorBenjamin West - American-born painter of religious and historical subjectsMae West - American theater and film actressJames West - American scientist and inventorKayne West - American hip hop artist Genealogy Resources for the Surname WEST How to Research English Ancestry: Learn how to research your English family tree with this guide to genealogical records in England and Wales. Includes information on both online and offline records including birth, marriage, death, census, military and estate records.West Surname DNA Project: Males with the surname WEST or a related surname that may have evolved from or to WEST (Westerman, Wieste, Western, Westh, etc.) are encouraged to join this DNA project focused on sorting out various West family lines.West Family Crest - Its Not What You Think: Contrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a West family crest or coat of arms for the West surname. Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male-line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted. WEST Family Genealogy Forum: Search this popular genealogy forum for the West surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your West genealogy query. FamilySearch - WEST Genealogy: Explore over 4 million historical records which mention individuals with the West surname, as well as online West family trees on this free website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons).GeneaNet - West Records: GeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the West surname, with a concentration on records and families from France and other European countries.DistantCousin.com - WEST Genealogy Family History: Explore some free databases and genealogy links for the last name West.The West Genealogy and Family Tree Page: Browse family trees and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the last name West from the website of Genealogy Today. Sources: Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967.Dorward, David. Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998.Fucilla, Joseph. Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003.Hanks, Patrick, and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989.Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003.Reaney, P.H. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997.Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997
Sunday, November 3, 2019
4 MAT Review on The Life You've Always Wanted by Ortberg Essay
4 MAT Review on The Life You've Always Wanted by Ortberg - Essay Example I will be with you.†God will not stop at repairing our brokenness but go on to make us new again. True transformation means loving God and people more and more. If we are to achieve that, we must not be content with trying hard at it, but commit to a life of training for it. That entails real discipline. Spiritual discipline is any activity that can help us gain power to live life as Jesus taught and modeled it. It may be through prayer, solitude, work, worship, suffering or even play and celebration. Those training hard to be spiritually transformed must not focus on boundaries – judging others as being less than they are. That is pseudo-transformation. They must always remember to be like Jesus, as he does not focus on boundaries, but instead, focuses on the center of spirituality which is love for God and people. The reward of training to achieve a transformed spiritual life is a well-ordered heart which increasingly desires to avoid sin to be totally close to God and to never be outside His circle of blessings. Indeed, such is the heart of a person living the life we’ve always wanted. Back when I was a lot younger, a friend of mine decided to join a Christian Singles Group. She had the time of her life, always fired up for their weekly meetings and bible discussions. She looked forward to all the fellowship activities. She kept inviting me to join her and share the joy she experienced being part of the group. Somehow, I managed to avoid saying â€Å"yes†, as I reasoned I had too much to do. Exasperated at my dodging, she said something that really hit home. â€Å"It’s hard for me to be in this position where I am advancing in my spirituality while you are being left behind.†I didn’t know exactly how I felt about what she said. It seemed like a multi-edged sword of sympathy, compassion, concern, pity, criticism, insult that was driven deep in my
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