Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Batman Essay Example
Batman Essay l. Batman and Joker speak to every others inverse who help adjust and characterize each other through their qualities and convictions, capacities, and activities. II. Qualities and convictions a. Equity versus Foul play a. l. Roots a. l. l. Shocking loss of guardians lead to Batman a. l. l . a. It took the awfulness of losing your folks to get you that life Hush (Dini 13) a. l. l . b. I swear, by the spirits of my folks, to vindicate their demises by spending an incredible remainder warring on all crooks Bruce Wayne (Chill) a. I. 2. Appalling loss of (pregnant) spouse prompts Joker . . 2. a. Yet, I cannot do anything today around evening time. Th-theres no explanation any longer Jeannies dead Joker (Moore 23) b. Moral versus Corrupt b. l. Batman can't execute Coker) b. l. l . Apprehensive that he won't stop b. l. l . a. In the event that I permit myself to go down to that place, Ill never return Batman (Red hood) b. l. 2. Against his ethics b. l. 2. a. your good examples. The convict ions they imparted in you. What's more, consider how the Joker would never comprehend that Gordon (Loeb) b. l. 2. b. you and I have seen too much of disasters and craved retribution. In the event that batman needed to be an executioner, he could have begun some time in the past Gordon (Loeb) b. ll. Joker takes lives, ambushes, to get results b. ll. l . Jason Todd b. ll. l . a. mioure considering when I passed on. How theres blood on your hand since you couldnt arrive so as to prevent The Joker from slaughtering me - Jason Todd (Loeb) b. ll. 2. Barbara b. ll. 2. a. He Shot Barbara. Gave me ph-photos Gordon (Moore 35) b. ll. 3. Ms. Gordon c. Confusion versus Request C. I. Joker is disorderly; he moves in the direction of mayhem c. ll. Batman attempts to make request inside Gotham c. . l. Free Gotham of hoodlums c. ll. 2. Detain appropriately c. ll. 2. a. Since Im getting this on done right and in light of the fact that I dont need to Batman (Moore 43) d. Mental soundness versus Madness d. l. Joker guarantees that Batman makes him crazy d. l. l . IVe been driven truly in. rational. attempting to get him to release up Joker (Morrison) d. ll. Batman can keep a reasona ble head while under tension d. ll. l . miears, spent retaining the limited ways there are to harmed and break a man. Planning for every one of them Batman (Morrison) e. Degenerate versus Incorrupt e. l. We will compose a custom exposition test on Batman explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Batman explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Batman explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Joker accepts that everybody can be pushed to lunacy e. l. l . That is the means by which far the world is from where I am. Only one terrible day/ - Joker (Moore 36) e. ll. Batman is upright e. ll. l . let your commitment to Justice temper your fierceness Phantom Stranger (Chill) Ill. a. Physical make-up a. l. Much of the time, a match a. l. l . Regardless of his slim casing, the Joker demonstrated fantastically dexterous, with colossal continuance and a high limit for torment. He additionally showed surprising quality for a man his size and really could coordinate Batman blow for blow for brief periods (Greenberger 198) b. Clash of brains b. l. Batman can't genuinely beat Joker, however traps him intellectually b. l. l . a composed psyche is a taught mind, and a trained brain is an incredible brain Batman (Emperor) b. l. 2. b. ll. Jokers schematics sounds good to only him b. ll. l . Typical crooks have consistent intentions. The Jokers crazy plans sound good to only him Batman (Laughing) b. lll. Both need to send message to the individuals b. lll. l . Joker turmoil b. lll. 2. Batman Justice c. Imprisonment versus Escapee C. I. Batman can (incidentally) quell Joker c. l. Trust me Jim, I wish it were genuine yet somewhere inside, I question it Batman (Laughing) c. ll. Joker has the assets to get away from c. ll. l . Also, you are totally the man who has the blessings to deal with this difficult Black Mask (Batman) d. Magnanimity versus Childishness d. l. Batman needs to ensure Gotham City d. l. l . the Batman is positively affecting open soul Commissioner Loeb (Miller 36) d. ll. Joker upsets for his own reasons (self pleasure) d. ll. l. More than once murders Batman for the sake of entertainment d. ll. 2. Shows Harley out window d. ll. 2. a. Just in the event that I do it, numbskull Joker (Mad) e. Dread versus Daring e. l. Batmans picture is intended to impart dread e. l. l . He shot at the animal and the projectile went straight through the animal like it wasnt there Detective Flass (Miller 35) e. ll. Joker remains apparently courageous V. Activities a. Planning versus Capriciousness a. l. Jokers schematics are eccentric a. ll. Batman plans for the unanticipated b. Recipient versus Recipients b. l. Batman keeps up partners b. l. l. Robin(s) b. l. 2. Catwoman b. l. 3. Barbara/Oracle b. ll. Joker sells out associates b. . l. The Black Glove b. ll. l . a. Im saying goodbye dont call me hireling - Joker (Morrison) b. ll. 2. Harley Quinn b. ll. 2. a. One of the excruciating realities of satire. You generally make efforts from people who just dont get the Joke - Joker (Mad) V. Joker ought not murder Batman Wltnout Batman, Joker wlll not nave anybody to rise to nlm a. l. No Joke, no punchline a. l. l . One can't appear to exis t without the other (Greenberger 194) a. l. 2. In any case, you have nobody to coordinate brains with. No image of goodness to degenerate. Without Batman, there can be no Joker Batman (Emperor)
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A short story †The tranquil night wind Free Essays
The peaceful night wind whistled delicately, puffing however the strands of my hair as I dozed. The glowing golden streetlights outside jerked as they anticipated an outline of tall, grandiose trees skipping in the tranquil breeze through my windows onto me. The sky was clear and the stars were effectively noticeable as they twinkled as the night progressed. We will compose a custom article test on A short story †The quiet night wind or then again any comparative subject just for you Request Now Following a day of intolerable warmth and difficult work done, I was in a fantastic rest yet had awoken through sense where I had felt that something was disturbing me. I had a feeling that I had neglected to accomplish something and my mind wouldn’t quit reminding, yet what was it reminding me? That’s the inquiry. I attempted to disregard it yet my brain wouldn’t quit detecting a vibe of inconvenience. I at long last chose to get up and attempt to determine the issue and research what was happening. I moved toward my entryway and not long before I went to get a handle on the entryway handle I felt a slight stun go through the palm of my correct hand. I unexpectedly pulled away and solidified for a moment. It was dull and desolate in my room so I chose to turn on the lights. With alert I flicked on the light switch and was astounded to not feel additional stuns. the brilliant light from the roof of my room flickered so iridescently that I went dazzle for a couple of moments and I just remained there scouring my eyelids as they couldn’t adapt to the unexpected brightening of the room. Feel very mixed up, I kept on endeavoring to open the entryway. I carefully loosened up to go after the entryway handle again and this time I effectively held it immovably with no stuns. Perhaps it was only my brain playing up with me? That is to say, it was 3am in the first part of the day and I wasn’t feeling excessively irritated as I examined what felt wrong. I turned the entryway handle however it didn’t open. I attempted to contort it open again however it didn’t appear to open. Now I was irate; I took a full breath and squeezed myself to ensure this wasn’t simply one more terrible dream, sadly it wasn’t. I removed a major advance back from my entryway and charged towards it while I immovably grasped the handle and hauled it relentlessly. It still didn’t open. I thundered in fierceness. I shouted for my folks however I got no answer. I rehashed yet this time for my kin yet I remained there without a reaction. No words could clarify the fierceness I was in. I screeched again and I furiously shocked m y entryway which countered with an enormous wound to my foot. I tumbled to my feet with my head on the ground, tears foolishly streaming down my face. This wasn’t the day for somebody to meddle with me, not in the slightest degree. I got back up on my feet and as I lingered towards the window, I heard a murmur which said â€Å"it’s just you and me†in a resonant wicked voice followed by an unbalanced snicker. I bluntly halted and hopped with dread. I quickly jumped under my bed and grabbed the expansive metal post I had covered up under there. I got back up and burned through 2 or so minutes examining my room hoping to check whether by any possibility it was anybody. Was it my heart? Was it something outside? Or then again was it actually a phantom truly conversing with me? I left to my open window and took an expert yearned look outside to check whether anybody was out†¦there was no one. It was a dark, totally dark night with the white stars twinkling above. The streets were tranquil. Who might be out right now? I surmise I heard something all things considered, 3am toward the beginning of the day and my psyche is by all accounts playing with me; I couldn’t even make the way for proceed to get some water or whatever else reviving. I got some distance from the window to retry the entryway again†¦and I heard a truly stunning bang. I yanked in trepidation and my heart was pounding so hard that I could see it thumping out of my shirt. I steadily pivoted myself towards the heading of the commotion with my heart in my grasp. Every one of the four windows in my room had beat closed. Incident? I’m beginning not to think so. I remained there in ungainly quietness for a decent 5 minutes. Why me? I ventured foot to move toward the windows and the lights flicked off. I screeched more terrible than those in an exceptional blood and gore flick; this wasn’t no film this was reality and I don’t realize what was going on. I couldn’t see anyt hing other than a slight shadow of something behind me, not long after that I felt a chilly, frosty hand on my shoulder. As I pivoted, my vision right away went foggy and I couldn’t see a lot yet I could see something like a white soul with shining red eyes. I blacked out. The most effective method to refer to A short story †The peaceful night wind, Papers
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Supplemental Feeding to Treat Eating Disorders
Supplemental Feeding to Treat Eating Disorders Eating Disorders Treatment Print Supplemental Feeding to Treat Eating Disorders By Jennifer L. Gaudiani, MD, CEDS Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on May 01, 2017 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on June 24, 2019 Shutterstock More in Eating Disorders Treatment Symptoms Diagnosis Awareness and Prevention One of the key elements of recovery from an eating disorder is nutritional rehabilitation. That means consuming enough calories at regular intervals to accommodate the needs of the body and allow it to heal. People of all genders, ages, shapes, and sizes can have eating disorders and disordered eating; you can’t tell whether someone is healthy or sick just from looking at them. In this article, we will discuss the role of supplemental feeding in the treatment of eating disorders, from oral nutritional supplements like Ensure or Boost to the use of various types of feeding tubes.? Some Key Concepts of Nutritional Rehabilitation First of all, what exactly does nutritional rehabilitation, also called refeeding, entail? Since patients with eating disorders are often malnourishedâ€"regardless of body weightâ€"it is an individualized process that ideally takes place under the expert care of a registered dietitian, ideally one who has expertise in eating disorders. A progressively increasing meal plan is established, usually comprised of meals and snacks that are well balanced. When someone is malnourished due to caloric deprivation (restriction of calories, purging, or even an intense diet), their metabolism becomes very slow to preserve calories and defend the body weight. This is how we survived famine as a species. When people with eating disorders start to do recovery work, it can be terrifying to imagine eating more than the bare minimum that the eating disorder has allowed. After all, that eating disorder voice can be loud, mean, and very demanding. However, our bodies are miraculous and much smarter than we give them credit for. Starting to eat more caloriesâ€"say, 1600 or more a dayâ€"does one thing physiologically: It boosts the person’s metabolism without causing weight gain. You read that right. That means that when someone who has been restricting calories, and is frustrated that their weight will no longer decrease (and probably feels foggy and tired and cranky), starts to eat at least 1600 calories a day, their weight is likely to remain stable, while their metabolism speeds way up. Amazingly enough, when previously malnourished people continue through the nutritional rehabilitation process, they become hypermetabolic. That is, they might need to consume 3000 or more calories a day just to restore 1-2 pounds of body weight a week. There are risks to refeeding, including a drop in the blood level of phosphorus, called hypophosphatemia. In the past, the recommendation was that calories should be started very slowly, to avoid hypophosphatemia. However, new studies have shown that it’s actually far better to get the metabolism going, nourish the body and mind, and not start too slowlyâ€"and phosphorus levels do just fine. How to Get Those Calories In The question then is: How do we get those calories in? Most people with eating disorders can eat regular food, and regular food is always the best way to get in one’s calories and micronutrients. However, sometimes when the nutritional needs are really high, it’s just hard to consume everything as food. In these cases, a highly dense supplement such as Ensure Plus (at 355 kcal/bottle) or Magic Cup (at 290 calories in 4 ounces) is easier on a full tummy than the same calories in solid food. Some dietitians choose to set meal plans where the main meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) stay consistent throughout refeeding, but snacks increase over time, sometimes with the use of a supplement. This way, when the target weight range has been achieved, the supplements and sizes of the snacks change, but main meals stay the same on a maintenance plan, causing less anxiety around change. Also, some patients need to “medicalize†their calories initially. When eating a variety of solid foods is too scary for the eating disorder, just getting the calories in by supplement is perfectly acceptable. The goal, of course, is always to return to eating a broad variety of foods. To those who bring up the issue of supplements being less “real†food or being too processed, we would say: There is nothing more dangerous than restriction. So if a supplement helps someone move through the early days of nutritional rehabilitation, that is vastly better than stalling out with an achingly full stomach. Feeding Tubes Sometimes, patients with eating disorders need a small, flexible tube inserted through the nose, terminating in the stomach or small intestine. These nasogastric (NG) or nasojejunal (NJ) tubes can provide continuous nutrition on their own or can supplement food intake during the day with nighttime feeds. For hospitalized patients, the combination of NG feeds and daytime food intake can help patients take in sufficient calories to progress with weight restoration, and continuous feeds reduce the risk of complications like low blood sugar. NG feeding can also help “medicalize†calories early on when patients want to progress in recovery but aren’t yet ready to eat. Rarely, patients might use NG tubes at home. This is not generally recommended, as there is a high risk of patients sabotaging care through turning off tube feeds, not using them properly, or pulling out the tube. If the patient is that sick in their disorder, generally they belong in a higher level of specialized care. An NG tube can remain in place for up to 6 weeks with excellent care, but risks of use include sinusitis (sinus infection), reflux, aspiration pneumonia (when stomach contents flow back up the esophagus and down into the lungs), and vocal cord irritation or injury. There are also more permanent feeding tubes for those with eating disorders, such as a percutaneous gastrostomy (PEG) tube or percutaneous jejunostomy (PEJ) tube. These can be placed by a surgeon, a GI doctor, or an interventional radiologist. The most important point to make here is that PEG tubes should not be placed just because someone is restricting their intake. Frequently, inexperienced physicians will say of someone with with anorexia nervosa, “Just put in a PEG.†If someone is restricting calories by mouth, they will restrict calories by tube! PEGs should be reserved for situations where the ONLY way someone can get sufficient nutrition is by PEG. Such situations include persistent vomiting syndromes, where a PEJ allows feeding downstream of the stomach where it can’t be vomited out. Also, in superior mesenteric artery syndrome, where the intestine gets trapped between two arteries in the setting of rapid or excessive weight loss, the standard of care is to give a purely liquid diet until sufficient weight restoration. Only if the obstruction is too severe should a PEJ be placed. It’s important to note that these tubes hurt a lot initially, and their placement is often complicated by pain, nausea, painful breathing, and difficulties initiating tube feeding. Removing the tube before six weeks can result in catastrophic abdominal infections. Their use should be reserved for those with expertise.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Twelve Caesars What Makes A Good Leader - 1345 Words
The Twelve Caesars: What Makes a Good Leader? Suetonius was born around 68-9 AD, possibly in Hippo Regius (Suetonius xviii). His mentor described him as ‘scholarly and honorable’ and many held him in high regard (xix). Suetonius completed The Twelve Caesars sometime during the 120s during the peak of his career (xxiii). Suetonius conveys his opinion of each emperor indirectly through how he portrays their vices and virtues. According to Suetonius, a Roman leaders good and bad qualities included their military successes, relations with the citizens of Rome, mental stability, and private relationships. Suetonius believed that Augustus embodied many of the characteristics of a good leader. The military campaigns of the Caesars made Rome one of the largest empires of the ancient world. Suetonius conveys through his writings that being a good military leader and a good Caesar were synonymous. Augustus, who Suetonius thought an excellent leader, reunited the eastern and western halves of the Roman Empire ( 51) and greatly expanded Romes territory (53). Augustus â€Å"showed not only skill as a commander, but courage as a soldier†in the eyes of his contemporaries (47). On the other hand, both Caligula and Nero, considered poor leaders by Suetonius, had very limited military success and aspirations. Only once did Caligula initiate a military exploit, and it was rife with his madness. His campaign into Germany was on a whim and all he accomplished was receiving the surrender of aShow MoreRelatedJulius Caesar’S Rise To Fame. Was It True That All Roads1484 Words  | 6 Pagespopulated. There were many great leaders in the Roman Empire, but Julius Caesar was o ne that stood out the most. Caesar installed many progressive changes and military conquests to help Rome thrive. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Visiting a Hinduism Religion - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 697 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/08/12 Category Religion Essay Level High school Tags: Hinduism Essay Did you like this example? I recently attended an Indian wedding with my family as my brothers best friend is of Hinduism religion. The wedding took place at India House Banquets in Schaumburg and was really interesting to compare to the many catholic weddings I have been to. When visiting this area that many Hinduism weddings take place, it was noted how different they are from Catholic churches Before discussing the most interesting ritual I witnessed, some of the things that are different from a traditional Catholic wedding were the clothes and lengths. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Visiting a Hinduism Religion" essay for you Create order As my brother was one of the men who stood up in his wedding, Hindi people celebrate week long for their weddings. One day is designated to the bride and her bridesmaids getting their henna done, another day is designated to the bachelor and bachelorette party and the wedding itself begins early in the morning and lasts all day. Another thing that I found to be amazing was the clothes they wear for wedding celebrations. The outfits they wear are stunning and they do a few outfit changes from the ceremony to the banquet hall. Overall, this was such an amazing experience and I wish everyone would have the opportunity to experience a wedding in a religion other than their own. Jumping into my favorite part of the wedding was a ritual called the Seven Steps when the couple to be married walks around this ring of fire. This is the most important ritual as after the seventh, and final step, the man and woman are legally husband and wife. This is different as in my familiar religion, the couple says their vows and undergoes a service in which they are granted marriage ending in a you may not kiss the bride. One of the biggest problems of this ritual was the language barrier but it was translated in an easier way as I asked the groom after the fact. The importance of this walk is many different prayers to their God reaching out for different blessings. The groom says something and then the bride will respond as they both are making lifelong promises to each other and to the God. Starting with the first step, they pray for healthy food and a respectful life together. The next step is physical health along with mental stability and spiritual strength to live the best and pure life as husband and wife. The third step is asking for wealth, wisdom, and prosperity. The next step was happiness for them forever and it also signifies the importance of family, parents, and elders. The fifth step was praying to God asking for his blessings and kindness on all living things. This also connects to praying for their friends and other relatives. The sixth step asks again for lifelong happiness and a long life together. The seventh step ends this ritual as it pronounces the husband and wife legally married. They both agree to have a long life together of loyalty and companionship along with honesty and universal peace. As this ritual is happening, the man always starts the pledge and the woman responds in agreement mentioning we this and that. This was something that I found to be the most interesting ritual as it is something I have never seen before. When the groom was explaining to me this ritual I found it to be so passionate and meaningful. The different steps they take show their everlasting love for each other. This relates to a theme weve encountered in our readings on Hinduism as Dharma is the universal law. Living in harmony is important as Dharma is the core of the Hindu practice. They will never go to through the afterlife process if they do not follow their Dharma. When the couple gets married, they can pursue Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha together as a married couple. In India, a common way to have a spouse is through an arranged marriage and this is still in effect today as it is the most preferred way. It is very difficult to find a spouse the family approves of and family plays a major role in this religion as we have read in the Mahabharata.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Kes the Play Free Essays
kes In this assignment I am writing about the play called†kes†how Barry Hines the author of Kes brought his characters to life. He has gone into great detail and time to produce this play by trying to bring his characters to reality by their language , the surroundings of that area and the clothing they wear. The area where this scene is set is in a rough, unpleasant place, Barnsley. We will write a custom essay sample on Kes the Play or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although Barnsley is local to us, it is an industrial working class area were poor unwealthy people go to work and try to make end meet to feed their families. All these characters show how they act as normal on an ordinary day, because Barry Hines needed to get across the description that effect his characters in the play. Billy did not have a good relationship between his family his mom and brother. His mom does not care for Billy, all she wants to do is go to parities and knockabout with men, this shows that her children don’t come first in her life. Billy clothes are dirty and appalling with wholes and stains in them because he doesn’t wash his clothes. In the morning when he wakes up his mom doesn’t leave tea in the pot for him and tells him to go to the shop for her to buy cigs, before he goes to school, so Billy will be late, Billy runs out the house and goes to school after having an argument with his mom to go to the shop for cigs. His mom doesn’t have any money for him for hi school dinner because she spent it the night before or she needs it for the night ahead. Billys brother Jud steals his snap for school and takes his bike so Billy’s got nothing for school. Jud went out one night and got really drunk when he came home, Jud woke Billy up to undress him because he was too drunk to do it himself, it is the only way Billy can get his own back by slapping and shouting at him â€Å"you drunken sow og pig bastard. Billys school life is not much better than his home life; his school is run down, horrible and dirty. He thinks the whole world is against him and does get along with other kids in school he doesn’t knock about with any mate’s accept his kestrel bird. Barry Hines the other of Kes describes a bewildering scene into which Billy fits appropriately when he is fighting over a schoolmate over his brother â€Å"Im not frightened of him that would be if he were here I bet I know somebody who could fight him. Soon the fight broke out in the playground everyone gathered round. There is one teacher in the school that takes and interest in Billy due to the hawk. He helped Billy against McDowel so Billy would not get into trouble. The teacher Mr Farthering finds out about Billy’s hawk and asked if he could see the bird. The kestrel is the only pleasure Billy gets in his life, he found it in the formers land in the forest and asked if he could have it, ever since he has owned Kes (name of the bird) he’s been training it, he was so interested in this bird he went to the library to find a book on kestrel but he was not allowed to take it out because he was not a member so he stole it, because Billy was not wealthy his brother and him had to share a bed together. Billy has a paper round, when he goes to collect his papers he steals chocolates and drinks he does this because he is hungry and he probably doesn’t get enough food at home. Billy does his papers in a bad area, the owner of the newsagent Mr Potter said Billys brother Jud gave Billy ? 10 to go and bet on a hoarse, so he went down prepared to bet for Jud as he was down there, Billy spoke to one of Jud’s mates and said it wasn’t worth betting on that hoarse, well Billy did not need to be told twice so he used the money to buy food for him and his bird. As soon as Jud found out his hoarse won and there was no bet on it he went looking for Billy, but Billy hid every time he saw his brother, so Jud stopped looking and went to find Billys only friend in the world and killed his hawk. As soon as Billy found his bird he ran and buried it in the field and went to bed. How to cite Kes the Play, Papers
Kes the Play Free Essays
kes In this assignment I am writing about the play called†kes†how Barry Hines the author of Kes brought his characters to life. He has gone into great detail and time to produce this play by trying to bring his characters to reality by their language , the surroundings of that area and the clothing they wear. The area where this scene is set is in a rough, unpleasant place, Barnsley. We will write a custom essay sample on Kes the Play or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although Barnsley is local to us, it is an industrial working class area were poor unwealthy people go to work and try to make end meet to feed their families. All these characters show how they act as normal on an ordinary day, because Barry Hines needed to get across the description that effect his characters in the play. Billy did not have a good relationship between his family his mom and brother. His mom does not care for Billy, all she wants to do is go to parities and knockabout with men, this shows that her children don’t come first in her life. Billy clothes are dirty and appalling with wholes and stains in them because he doesn’t wash his clothes. In the morning when he wakes up his mom doesn’t leave tea in the pot for him and tells him to go to the shop for her to buy cigs, before he goes to school, so Billy will be late, Billy runs out the house and goes to school after having an argument with his mom to go to the shop for cigs. His mom doesn’t have any money for him for hi school dinner because she spent it the night before or she needs it for the night ahead. Billys brother Jud steals his snap for school and takes his bike so Billy’s got nothing for school. Jud went out one night and got really drunk when he came home, Jud woke Billy up to undress him because he was too drunk to do it himself, it is the only way Billy can get his own back by slapping and shouting at him â€Å"you drunken sow og pig bastard. Billys school life is not much better than his home life; his school is run down, horrible and dirty. He thinks the whole world is against him and does get along with other kids in school he doesn’t knock about with any mate’s accept his kestrel bird. Barry Hines the other of Kes describes a bewildering scene into which Billy fits appropriately when he is fighting over a schoolmate over his brother â€Å"Im not frightened of him that would be if he were here I bet I know somebody who could fight him. Soon the fight broke out in the playground everyone gathered round. There is one teacher in the school that takes and interest in Billy due to the hawk. He helped Billy against McDowel so Billy would not get into trouble. The teacher Mr Farthering finds out about Billy’s hawk and asked if he could see the bird. The kestrel is the only pleasure Billy gets in his life, he found it in the formers land in the forest and asked if he could have it, ever since he has owned Kes (name of the bird) he’s been training it, he was so interested in this bird he went to the library to find a book on kestrel but he was not allowed to take it out because he was not a member so he stole it, because Billy was not wealthy his brother and him had to share a bed together. Billy has a paper round, when he goes to collect his papers he steals chocolates and drinks he does this because he is hungry and he probably doesn’t get enough food at home. Billy does his papers in a bad area, the owner of the newsagent Mr Potter said Billys brother Jud gave Billy ? 10 to go and bet on a hoarse, so he went down prepared to bet for Jud as he was down there, Billy spoke to one of Jud’s mates and said it wasn’t worth betting on that hoarse, well Billy did not need to be told twice so he used the money to buy food for him and his bird. As soon as Jud found out his hoarse won and there was no bet on it he went looking for Billy, but Billy hid every time he saw his brother, so Jud stopped looking and went to find Billys only friend in the world and killed his hawk. As soon as Billy found his bird he ran and buried it in the field and went to bed. How to cite Kes the Play, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Profitable Product Innovation
Question: Discuss about the Profitable Product Innovation. Answer: Introduction In case Australia has to become a clever country in true sense of the word, then the organizations should think of innovation as their core business (Hrtel Fujimoto, 2014). The discussions that were held with Mr. Tony Smith have shown that innovation is a very vital issue for the CEOs of Fortune 500. The findings have shown that even the CEOs from all around the globe have listed innovation as a significant challenge and as per them it is second only to human capital in terms of priority. However, the Australian CEOs rate innovation as a priority of the fourth order. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the entire organization to build an innovation capability. This requires a strong commitment in several areas which include strategic leadership. Additionally, three reasons contribute to the benefits that innovation provides. These are its influence on strategic planning, enhancement of productivity and competitive advantage. The capability of innovation cannot develop by itself. It has to be formulated consciously and planned, organized, controlled as well as driven into place (Hrtel Fujimoto, 2014). Hence, innovation forms the key to the challenges that are being faced by contemporary management. This report will be discussing the management challenges which will be faced by the Australian mangers in future in terms of innovation capability, the environmental factors in the external environment that will influence managerial decisions in future and the processes and priorities of the organization in the next five years. Management Challenge Presented by Innovation In any organization, innovation is a core process for renewal and until the managers are prepared for working constantly towards what is offered by renewing, how that offering is created as well as delivered, there is a high probability that the organization will not be able to survive in the turbulent environment that exists today. For firms to remain competitive innovation is essential. For enhancing success of innovation, its readiness for innovation needs to be assessed (Holt Daspit, 2015) Management of innovation is among the strategic tasks that contemporary organizations face and managers have to take into account a number of key challenges for this in the next five years and these are as follows -. Why Change? Innovation requires learning as well as unlearning and strategic direction is needed for focusing on the innovative process (Tidd Bessant, 2001). Accumulation of a large knowledge base is not enough rapid innovations are needed with the capability of the management to coordinate effectively and also redeploy external as well as internal competencies. It has been observed that though it lip service can be easily paid to this sort of challenge, evidence has suggested that firms are usually not good in terms of learning (Wladawsky-Berger, 2008). Besides this, seeing and also responding to the requirements of continuous learning is a capability that is not distributed widely and hence it innovation presents a challenge to mangers (Hamel, 2000). What to Change? Challenges may be faced in putting together an appropriate agenda for innovation even if the managers are able to recognize and also accept the need for innovating continuously. The firms need to have awareness regarding the extensive space inside which the possibilities of innovation are present and consequently attempt the development of a strategic portfolio which can provide effective coverage to this territory and balance both resources and risks (Francis, 2001). Understanding Innovation The way in which innovation is thought about by people is another challenge. Even though it is a term that is used commonly, the meaning that is attached to it by people differs and therefore their behaviour towards innovation will also differ widely (Tidd Bessant, 2001). For instance people might confuse innovation with invention. For invention to become innovation numerous steps are involved and it involves multiple resources along with problem solving. Innovation may also be thought of as being about science and technology which leads to the creation of new opportunities but at times technological possibilities fail to become innovations. Building a Culture for Innovation Innovation presents a set of puzzles which keep mutating constantly. There is no clarity regarding the rules of this puzzle and there is no one correct answer as there is a continuous change in questions. At times a particular firm might come up with an answer that might work for them. However, if other firms attempt to follow them, they may not be successful to the same extent as the previous firm was and the problems might become worse. Although innovation routines contribute to competitive advantage, they cannot be copied easily from one firm to another. They need to be learned and then practiced for a sustained time period (Pavitt, 2001). Continuous Learning There is a constant shift in the innovation agenda and for dealing with the major challenges, that the environment poses, routines have to be developed by the firms. All the things need not be engineered right from the start. There are differences between copying blindly and also developing as well as adopting a good practice that is used by somebody else (Cooper, 2003). The organization should have the ability of repeating by having relevant routines in place. Since innovation is not a problem that is static for which a specific solution will fit, thus firms need to keep finding their solutions constantly to the shifting puzzles. High Involvement Innovation Innovation is basically concerned about creative problem solving and with increase in the uncertainty and turbulence in the environment, the need for such a capability rises. With markets becoming uncertain, increase in regulatory pressures, technological opportunities and threats changing rapidly, shifts in the competitive and customer requirements and numerous other variables that have to be dealt with, the probability of obtaining the correct innovative response decreases. It becomes essential for the organizations to enhance their capacity of innovation and this requires mobilizing large amounts of participation in innovation and implementing this concept becomes challenging as the process is unfamiliar, risky and untested for several organizations (Bessant Caffyn, 2001). How to Develop Innovation Capability There are seven ways in which innovation can be fostered by the managers which include being on purpose, questioning and listening, risk experimentation, reflecting and synthesizing, considering the dynamics of inside out and outside in, fostering generativity and being authentic (Cashman, 2013). Organisational capability is an approach that is usually employed by the managers to foster innovation and manage it. As per this approach, product innovations over a period of time are managed better by nurturing as well as enhancing the organisations capabilities as an engine of innovation. Superior performances of businesses of the organizations are dependent on investments made in innovation capability on a large scale rather than the investments made in creating physical assets. The stronger the forms innovation capability, the more will be the effectiveness of their innovation performance (Lawson Samson, 2001). Three factors help in determining the way in which the managers can associate capability with innovation. These are The leading innovators need to take the innovation capability as something that is more than just RD and all the corners of the organization need to undergo restructuring along with encouragement and reward to facilitate innovation. Managers who are successful view innovation as a competitive advantage and also as a mechanism for the creation of new knowledge and also form a link between the innovation stream with the capabilities as well as technologies of the mainstream. Innovation breakthroughs via behaviours that are chaotic and divergent are accommodated and are also channelized systematically by the managers despite the presence of uncertainty (Razavi Attarnezhad, 2013). The seven elements of the capability of the organization that mangers need to keep a watch on in the next five years for fostering innovation consist of vision and strategy, competence base being harnessed, organizational intelligence, idea management and creativity, organizational structures, climate and structure and technology management (Lawson Samson, 2001). External Factors that need to be watched An shift that is ongoing in the economic activity globally from the developed to the developing economies, coupled with rise in the consumers in the markets of the emerging nations, are the major global developments that are viewed by executives worldwide as most significant for businesses and also very positive for the profits of the organizations globally in the coming five years. Two other critical positive aspects of globalization have also been identified by the executives. These comprise technologies enabling information to flow freely across the world and an increasing number of labour markets globally (Dye Stephenson, 2010). Apart from this, tomorrows company will be operating in a capital market with a different imperative wherein the rewards will be in the form of responsible business that is able to create value both for itself and also for its shareholders in a longer time period. Hence, sustainability will be a crucial aspect in the future business environment that mang ers will have to consider (Adams, 2014). As per the Contingency Theory Model of Fiedler, the style of leadership reflects the personality as well as behaviour and the styles of leadership are generally constant. Styles are not changed by leaders, rather they change the situation. For effective leadership, an appropriate fit is required between the behaviour and style of the leader and the followers as well as the situation (Fiedler, 1976). Thus, as per this theory, the design of organizational structure that is most significant is the one wherein the structure fits into the contingencies (Donaldson, 2006). In the global economy of today, contingency leadership is very essential. Successful styles of leadership vary from one place to another (Peretomode, 2012). Innovation provides several benefits in the form of enhancement of productivity, strategic planning and competitive advantage. The responsibility of building innovation capability rests on the entire environment and it needs a strong level of commitment from ever quarter of the organization which also consists of the strategic leadership. Innovative capability cannot develop by itself and needs conscious formulation along with planning, organizing, controlling as well as being driven to its place. The main challenges posed by innovation to the managers are related to its proper understanding, developing an appropriate culture, learning continuously and getting the organization highly involved in the innovative process. For fostering innovation the managers need to consider it more than just a process of RD, it should be thought of as a competitive advantage and divergent behaviours need to be accommodated. For operating in the external environment the managers need to make adjustment s of the main variables that are presented before them and also to the priorities and processes of the organization. They can also make use of the Competing Values Framework for guiding the management decisions under certain types of environments. Recommendations The firm needs to adopt the given three recommendations in the coming five years for ensuring that the management organizational processes as well as priorities are flexible and also adaptable. The managers must be able to make changes in strategies and tactics for ensuring effective performance and organisations continued survival in face of opportunities or threats as a result of changes occurring in the external environment. The managers must be able to maintain an appropriate balance between the objectives which consist of trade-offs which are difficult like efficiency and reliability and the requirement of innovative adaptation to opportunities and threats that emerge (Yukl Mahsud, 2010). The managers should balance opposite kinds of behaviour and competing values in accordance with the situation for creating a culture of innovation (Kaiser, Lindberg, Craig, 2007). They also need to lead by example and invoke trust. References Adams, C. (2014). Sustainability and the company of the future. Retrieved September 26, 2016, from Bessant, J., Caffyn, S. (2001). An Evolutionary Model of Continuous Innovation Behaviour. Technovation , 67-77. Cashman, K. (2013, August 21). 7 Ways Leaders Can Foster Innovation. Forbes . Cooper, R. (2003). Profitable Product Innovation. In L. Shaivinina, International Handbook of Innovation. Oxford: Oxford: Elseiver Science. Donaldson, L. (2006). THE CONTINGENCY THEORY OFORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES. Dye, R., Stephenson, E. (2010). Five forces reshaping the global economy: McKinsey Global Survey results. McKinsey and Company. Fiedler, F. E. (1976). The leadership game; matching the man to the situations. Organizational dynamics , 6 16. Francis, D. (2001). Developing Innovative Capability. Brighton: University of Brighton. Hamel, G. (2000). Leading the Revolution. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. Hrtel, C., Fujimoto, Y. (2014). Human resource management. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson. Holt, D. T., Daspit, J. J. (2015). Diagnosing Innovation Readiness in Family Firms. California Management Review . Kaiser, R. B., Lindberg, J. T., Craig, S. B. (2007). Assessing the flexibility of managers: A comparison of methods. International Journal of Selection and Assessment , 40 55. Lawson, B., Samson, D. (2001). Developing Innovation Capability In Organisations: A Dynamic Capabilities Approach,. International Journal of Innovation Management , 377-400. Pavitt, K. (2001). Technology Management and Systems of Innovation. London: Edward Elgar. Peretomode, O. (2012). Situational And Contingency Theories Of Leadership: Are They The Same? Journal of Business and Management , 13-17. Razavi, R., Attarnezhad, O. (2013). Management of Organizational Innovation. International Journal of Business and Social Science , 226=232. Tidd, J., Bessant, J. (2001). Managing Innovation. Chichester, UK: John Wiley. Wladawsky-Berger, I. (2008, August 23). The Challenges of Innovation. Bloomberg . Yukl, G., Mahsud, R. (2010). Why Flexible And Adaptive Leadership Is Essential. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research , 81-93.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Friday, March 6, 2020
Retail Analysis of the Best Buy Essays
Retail Analysis of the Best Buy Essays Retail Analysis of the Best Buy Paper Retail Analysis of the Best Buy Paper A retail analysis of the Best Buy location in Fullerton, CA was completed on April 12, 2013. The analysis evaluated the stores appearance including fixtures, promotional materials, layout, and merchandising. Best Buy is an electronics retailer and its Fullerton store is located in a secondary business district on the cross streets of Orangethorpe Avenue and Harbor Boulevard. The Fullerton Best Buy location is the corner store in a busy shopping center. Some of the stores nearby are Factory 2 U, The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, Rubios Baja Fresh, and Burlington Coat Factory. Appearance The well-known Blue and Yellow colors of Best Buy can be seen from down the block, drawing the consumer to its location. The structure is on a corner lot facing the busy street and in the same vicinity as multiple shopping centers that contain a variety of retailers, restaurants and services. The shopping center of orangethorpe and harbor is an all-around convenient location for customers when needing to do errands, or any shopping in general. Parking isnt an issue as the location is on the far end corner lot from the other major retail stores, which makes it a suitable location for Best Buy customers. As you walk in through the sliding glass doors, you can visually see the full layout of the store. It has an open floor plan designed to allow accessibility to any part of the store. Overall the store uses a clean, well- organized layout, design and visual merchandising strategy. Best Buys target marketing strategy is designed to appeal to small business owners, tech savvy middle class consumers and young entertainment enthusiasts. They also generally appeal to men, seen from the all-male employees to the masculine colors used throughout the layout. The stores, layout seems to be designed for their targeted consumers by ocusing more on their broad selection of name brand products. The stores lighting, fixtures, colors and the quiet open spaced feel sets an overall consistent image inside and out. From the Best Buy logo imprinted on the front of the building to the writing on the banners, it all creates a simplistic touch. This allows customers to feel comfortable walking into Best Buy knowing the signs are easy to read and straightforward, which can be appreciated when in a retail store. The simplicity of their design inside the store completes their image by not distracting the customer rom their main selling focus. As one of the top selling leaders of consumer electronics, Best Buy highlights there main selling items by putting the consumer electronics aisles closest to the opening of the store. Designed for the ease of use for customers, they also have well trained employees that seemed friendly and willing to through the multiple products that they offer. All of these characteristics are designed to be consistent with Best Buys Brand image and in hopes to create brand loyalty for their customers. The segments being targeted are familiar with the stores ayout and ambience, which makes the consumer comfortable entering a best buy and finding what they need. The stores overall image portrays that they know they are considered the largest retailer in computers and electronics, which allows them to not strive that hard to change the perception they have already created in their customers minds. The stores strategy is to keep their layout clean, simple and focus in on the variety of products they carry. The display cases, racks, and end caps are all designed to drive you straight to the products. The calm, quiet, well lit atmosphere trangely related to the overall image of Best Buy. The only noise heard was the voice of another customer talking to an employee and music that was being played on one of their electronic items being featured. Once again, this states that the company is product driven and wants to create an environment that is consistent with attracting its target market. If best buy had different layouts that werent so structured and added special lighting for certain items they are emphasizing, than it would enhance the consumer experience and help attain the involvement of the consumer when hoosing their products. Overall, the company has been successful at creating the image of being a product focused company that takes away an ambience that allows the customer to be comfortable to shop at ease. This is portrayed, as all aspects of the store including its fixtures, promotion, layout and merchandising all compliments the specific and unique style that Best Buy has adapted as its brand image. Fixtures The fixtures at Best Buy portray the image of daylight. It keeps the consumer awake and aware of their surroundings. A shoppers first impression will be shaped at the tore entrance. The lighting should be aesthetically pleasing and complement the architecture while facilitating safe passage and creating a sense of security. Store entrance lighting should be designed to help customers visually adapt from the exterior to the interior environment. Best Buy has met these expectations to promote a pleasant shopping experience. The stores large rectangular floor plan is well lit throughout. The roof has several skylights installed to let in natural light during daytime hours. Natural light would be desirable in most retail stores but in an lectronic retail store the light becomes irritating and takes away the detailing of some of the lit displays. Hanging linear fluorescent lights makes up the majority of the stores overall lighting. The hanging lights are not strategically placed throughout the store resulting in some aisles being darker than others. The ceiling from where the lighting is hanging from is very high and has a warehouse look and feel, taking away from the high-tech electronics environment. At the end of certain aisles are light boxes that feature images of new products that Best Buy has released. The soft ighting behind these images details the featured product very well and portrays a great value in the product shown. The main center of the store features racks and shelving that are between 5 to 7 feet in height and display a wide array of Best Buys CD, Blu Ray/DVD, video game, and accessory products. Most of the shelving fixtures are a bland grey with little character and many aisles appear to be under stocked even though the shelving is generously spaced apart. The fixtures used to display the the fixtures shows little thought was put into displaying the bulk of the stores product. In the front and center of the store is a large mobile phone kiosk that features an interactive display where customers can test out phones and speak to several sales associates on hand that are managing the area. It is apparent that Best Buy finds this area very important to sales because the fixtures and displays highlight the product in a very appealing way. Promotions Best Buy relies heavily on branded signage to merchandise products. Cardboard stand-up displays, countertop units, and end caps from well-known brands such as Energizer, Phillips, Garmin, Home, and even Hello Kitty dot the walkways and aisles, ach competing for the shoppers attention. This results in a less-than-cohesive look throughout the store, and leaves smaller brands to get lost in the clutter of the generically branded aisles. Non-branded signage throughout the store is very stock- photo heavy, and generally unattractive and uncreative. Images of people using various electronics are hung blandly around the perimeter of the store, while uninspired blue directory signs are suspended overhead. It is clear that the stores visual strategy relied on taking a back seat to brand-directed merchandising displays, ut the effectiveness of each of them is limited to selling the individual brand or product, rather than maximizing visual marketing tools to sell across an entire category. Theatrical effects are present particularly in the video game section, as the store provides interactive video kiosks for a handful of popular games and gaming systems, including Super Mario Brothers, Nintendo 3DS and Wii. Screens flash with colors and characters calling shoppers closer. Headphones are plugged in and ready so testers could get the full auditory experience of the game. Some kiosks even offer paces with couches for customers to get the true living room gaming feel. A touch- screen ordering system allows customers to preorder new games and equipment before launch, and instantly order online any games that may not be available in the store. The theatrics carry over into the computer section of the store, where Apple has established its prominence with a large, black pop-up wall emblazoned with a glowing iconic Apple logo. Housed inside it is a TV monitor with an Apple-branded video showing the simplicity and innovation of Apple products. In front of the video all stands a familiar-looking light wood grain table encircled by MacBooks Just waiting to be played with. It is clear that this is the miniature Apple store-within-the- store, designed to imitate the ubiquitous Apple store with its exquisite branding. The big box layout of Best Buy stores leaves a large expanse with effectively only three walls in the space available for merchandising. The far right wall is used somewhat uncreatively to hang computer bags and backpacks and display computer monitors. The left-hand wall space, hidden behind a mass of washers and dryers, is wasted eal estate with a row of open-box discount appliances, a miscellaneous assortment of novelty electronics, and computer game gift cards hung in rows. The two bright spots of wall-based merchandising in Best Buy are in the back left corner and the back wall. The back left corner is resourcefully used to display operational car speakers and stereos, inset in rows along the wall. It is a powerful and attractive use of the corner space, allowing the customer an out-of-box, eye-level view of the various systems, easily comparable for shoppers. The most prominent wall in the space, the overing the entire breadth of the wall. It is a visually striking use of the wall that emphasized the sheer volume of choices the store offered, and that also makes it easy for customers to compare options between those choices. Suggestive selling is a sales technique where the employees ask the customers if they would like to include an additional purchase or recommend a product which might fit the clients needs. Suggestive selling is a great tool to use to increase revenues for the business. Best Buy excellently trains their sales staff to encourage shoppers to buy additional omplimentary items in addition to the original purchase. Purchasers are suggested to buy the added warranty in the high definition television area. Employees advise the buyers that the extra accessories like screen protectors and car charger are a must in the iPad and iPhone departments. Consumers are endorsed to buy cover cases in the laptop section. Suggestive selling is a strong attribute demonstrated by the Best Buy sales staff. Customers will not be disappointed when visiting Best Buy for the latest innovations. Best Buy sales staff are definitely friendly and helpful. Customers are greeted with friendly smiles by several employees at the main entrance. The store has all the current gadgets and gizmos when customers scan the view from left to right. The appearance of all the electronics can be mesmerizing for the high tech lovers. Customers can see that Best Buy has welcoming and accommodating sales staff after focusing clearly from all the alluring inventions. The store has sufficient employees in every department. Employees acknowledge customers with affectionate smiles and ask if the buyers need assistance upon entering departments. The caring gesture makes the customers feel the employees are courteous and gracious. There is a consistency with the image of the Best Buy sales staff with the image of the store. The image of the store is business casual and it does translate to the image of the sales staff. You do see a theme of ocean blue color when customers enter the store. Shoppers are greeted at the front door with employees wearing khaki pants and ocean blue collared t-shirts. Customers feel invited with this business casual look. Buyers notice the knowledgeable managers in their distinctive long sleeve shirts and ties. The dress appearance of the managers and employees give shoppers a vibe that the associates are well-trained, skillful, and professional. Layout The layout of the store is basically following the straight floor plan, in which the shelves are arranged parallel. The carpet on the floor is Best Buy blue with a beige E that supports the customers walking way through the store. The two back corners of the store are rounded with diagonal shelves that follow the beige carpet line all other shelves are arranged either horizontally or vertically. The check-out is inconspicuous and located on the front left side, hidden by a wall. Pick-up, customer service and the newly invented geek squad are also located separately in the front. Big signs hanging from the wall throughout the store make it easier for customers to find the category they are looking for. The shelves are small so an averagely large person can look over them, and everything is within reach. The aisles are wide enough to take out merchandise and have enough space to look at it in depth. A customer kiosk is located in the center of the store to assist people and chairs offer the possibility to take a break. The layout is good for people walking in the store, picking what they urchases. No exciting shopping experience is created. Overall the layout could be easily applied to a clothes store, a grocery store, or any other store, since it does not offer something distinguishingly unique promoting the sale of electronics (apart from the geek squad maybe). In addition to that the check-outs do not support the overall layout of the store, which is intended to be open and friendly. There are only two reasons for hiding the check-outs in a corner behind a shelve: The first one is you dont want your customers to be able to find it until they have picked up more erchandise, the second one is you want them to leave without merchandise. Neither helps retaining customers. A layout plan that breaks out of the traditional straight floor plan even more and offers a fun and exciting shopping experience would be much better for Best Buy. Customer Service should be located rather in the center than on the front left side. They, in fact, implemented a new layout and floor plan last year (check-outs throughout the store, geek squad, etc. ) which, the way it seems has not been implemented thoroughly in the store visited. Merchandise Best Buy utilizes various different types of fixtures to maximize space productivity. Gondolas with shelving are used thorough out the store. There are various rows of gondolas used for video games, DVDs, CDs, and etc. Several fixtures use slatwalls in order to fit shelves and hooks to display their items. Moreover, clearance items, such as DVDs, CDs, etc. , are put on round basket fixtures. By using the round basket fixtures Best Buy is left with more space on the gondolas for sale and regular price items. In addition, accessories, iTunes cards and other smaller items are placed on endcaps. Furthermore, towards the end of the store Televisions are displayed in the wall and bellow the displayed televisions shelves are used to place accessories. When displaying other electronic items such as cell phones, cameras and laptops they use display tables. There are also display tables and fixtures that display merchandise for the customer to test, but they also place items on the bottom half. In addition, in the aisle there are a few items that are displayed in cardboard double- sided gondolas. There are bigger packaged products like Televisions that are displayed by placing them on top of each other. The display tables used for the Apple products and the display Televisions increase interest in the products offered by Best Buy. Best Buy has all their merchandise separated by department and then by categories. For example, on the left side of the store the customer can find the appliance department, there the customer may find refrigerators. On the middle of the store the electronic departments are found and separated by categories. For example, on the middle left one find Music, organized by type of music, Video games also separated by the type of games (action, violent, children, etc. , DVDs, Blu Rays also separated by categories like, action, comedy, Sci-Fi, horror, etc. and electronics, such as cell phones cameras, laptops, ipods, tablets, which are separated by brands, and a separate section for apple products. Suggestions The lighting fixtures help Best Buy to increase its sales, by enhancing the customers experience. By researching the most effective light fixture location could boost Best Buys customer transactions. Highlighting some well- known products sold at Best Buy, such as laptops, would possi bly help to increase the foot traffic in that area. The urrent use of brand imaging is very stock photo related for Best Buy and may appealing to customers would greatly benefit Best Buy and make the shopping experience much more entertaining. Best Buy definitely makes customers feel pleased and refreshed upon entering the store. The intelligent sales staff knows their products and recommends accurate product purchases. Best Buy positively rewards patrons with a fabulous shopping experience for the latest designs and devices. Best Buy could build on these benefits by updating the interior of the store with newer shelving, paint, and carpet. Technology is constantly evolving and Best Buy should keep that theme going by constantly updating and improving its stores. The clutter of branded signage such as cardboard stand-up displays, countertop units and endcaps all competing for customers attention can be a bit overwhelming and generally unattractive. Reducing the amount of signage would clean up the store making the floor plan feel more open therefore putting the shopper at ease. To achieve this they could focus on different brands each month and be more effective with fewer advertisements.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Management Accounting for Cadbury Schweppes plc Case Study
Management Accounting for Cadbury Schweppes plc - Case Study Example The most important information requirements which could aid the managers of the business include the information that are related to issues like planning & decision making, monitoring the business performance, building and maintaining a competitive advantage. In planning and decision making the managers are guided to what will produce the attainment of the companies’ corporate financial objectives. Planning is not only limited to day to day operation of the business but also how the business maximizes its revenues and profits and many areas of its operation. Updated information of revenues and expense accounts of the company are therefore very relevant for the company managers to effectively plan and make decision. Revenue accounts refer to accounts as a result of delivering goods and services to clients. Expense accounts include the cost of production like direct labour cost, raw materials and the factory over head associate with production. Monitoring the business performance presupposes knowledge of data of measurements that would tell managers whether they are accomplishing their objectives are not. The financial information on revenues, expense, assets and liabilities are therefore relevant information for the company to effectively have monitoring activities. The following are the chosen methods or techniques: Budgeting, Variance Analysis, Absorption Based Costing and Cost Volume Profit Analysis. Budgeting techniques is applicable to the information needs of company. ... requirements which could aid the managers of the business include the information that are related to issues like planning & decision making, monitoring the business performance, building and maintaining a competitive advantage.In planning and decision making the managers are guided to what will produce the attainment of the companies' corporate financial objectives. Planning is not only limited to day to day operation of the business but also how the business maximizes its revenues and profits and many areas of its operation. Updated information of revenues and expense accounts of the company are therefore very relevant for the company managers to effectively plan and make decision. Revenue accounts refer to accounts as a result of delivering goods and services to clients. Expense accounts include the cost of production like direct labour cost, raw materials and the factory over head associate with production.Monitoring the business performance presupposes knowledge of data of measu rements that would tell managers whether they are accomplishing their objectives are not. The financial information on revenues, expense, assets and liabilities are therefore relevant information for the company to effectively have monitoring activities. 2.1.2 The four suitable costing and management accounting methods/techniques applicable to the information needs earlier identified. The following are the chosen methods or techniques: Budgeting, Variance Analysis, Absorption Based Costing and Cost Volume Profit Analysis.Budgeting techniques is applicable to the information needs of company for activities like planning & decision making and monitoring the business performance of the company. A budget includes revenues and accounts that are projected
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Discussion questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
Discussion questions - Essay Example Merchandise inventory is the asset of the business and records movement in the cost of inventory and reports opening and ending inventory value held by the business. Entry into this journal is a debit entry whereas exist from this is a credit entry. This records the cost of purchase include suppliers price plus freight costs and insurance. Whereas, cost of merchandise sold is the cost of the business charged against revenues. Cost of merchandise is calculated as beginning inventory plus purchases less closing inventory. Journal entries to record the transaction would be as follows: a. Gross profit is calculated by deducting the cost of sales (merchandise) from the revenues generated by the business. Revenues are typically cost of sales plus the profit margin decided by the business. a. The role of accounting is not limited to recording of transactions but it is an integral part of planning and strategy development carried out by businesses. Assembling data generated by different business functions in order to summarize and report information pertaining to the business condition is primary task of the accounting function. Accounting is therefore considered as a series of processes which generate different information for various use including financial information, managerial information, cost information, and information for tax purposes (Warren, Reeve, & Duchac, 2012). Weygandt, J. J., Kimmel, P. D., & Kieso, D. E. (2010). Financial Accounting, Study Guide. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Retrieved from McGraw Hill:
Monday, January 27, 2020
Case Study Ethics Guide Dialing For Dollars Marketing Essay
Case Study Ethics Guide Dialing For Dollars Marketing Essay In Dialing for Dollars, a company is faced with low sales. Desperate to meet quota, a boss authorizes a salesperson to offer customers a 20% discount if they take delivery before the end of the quarter, and to start dialing for dollars. Get what you can. Be creative. This prompts the salesperson to try out a few creative but questionable ways of trying to boost sales. The sales person moves from customer to customer trying different tactics to convince the customers to buy some products. This article raises the question of how far one is willing to go to succeed. In this report, we aim to discuss the creative sales tactics the salesperson employed, to evaluate if they were ethical or not, and in instances, to evaluate whether they were legal or not. We will also discuss the merits and demerits of each tactic, and whether they were in the scope of what the company would find acceptable. The four questions asked are: Is it ethical for you to write the email agreeing to take the product back? If the email comes to light later, what do you think your boss will say? Is it ethical for you to offer the advertising discount? What effect does that discount have on your companys balance sheet? Is it ethical for you to ship to the fictitious company? Is it legal? Describe the impact of your activities on next quarters inventories. Case Study Questions Q1. Is it ethical for you to write the email agreeing to take the product back? If the email comes to light later, what do you think your boss will say? According to the American Marketing Associations Statement of Ethics, marketers should be forthright in dealings with customers and stakeholders. To this end, marketers should strive to be truthful in all situations and at all times. [1] In business, stakeholders refers to any person(s) and/or entity/ies that has/have vested interest in the decisions businesses make. In general, these people are usually employees, customers, stockholders, consumers, and even society at large if a companys business decisions were to affect them. In the case of Dialing for Dollars, a salesperson finds himself in quandary when the sales forecasting system predicts quarterly sales to be substantially under quota, prompting the salespersons boss to suggest that the salesperson start dialing for dollars. Get what you can. Be creative. This results in the salesperson offering a management-authorized 20% discount on orders that are delivered before the end of the quarter to its customers. Unknown to management, the salesperson also offered to take back any unsold stock the following quarter. He confirms this offer by email to the customer instead of on the purchase order, as accounting would not log the order this quarter under those conditions. The question is: Who is affected by this decision? And what would be the outcome to those affected? In the case of the salesperson, his total sales would be upped, including his commissions, resulting in a net gain to him. In the case of the customer, he gets his 20% discount on the new merchandise, along with a guarantee than unsold inventory could be returned the following quarter. For the customer, this is also a winning situation. In the case of the company, the companys bottom line shows hearty sales and income flows for the quarter as a result of this decision. In the short time, it is a good business decision. But businesses do not exist to operate for a short term. They exist with the hope that they will continue operations indefinitely. So a decision such as this that may appear to be a net positive in the short-term, could have disastrous consequences in the long term. This brings me to the other stakeholders, the stockholders. Stockholders purchase stock in a company based on the faith they have that the company will go on to thrive. A business decision that seeks to be deceitful and cut corners in one quarter, which will negatively affect business the following quarter, is a bad one from the point of view of stockholders. A companys public reputation is dependent on the internal ethics of the company and its employees. Any hit to its public image could perceivably cause stock prices to plummet drastically, as was the case with Martha Stewart stock during her insider-trading scandal. To answer the question, it was not ethical to write the email to take the product back without the expressed consent of management, and if the email comes to light, the boss would probably be disappointed at the action. To quote the American Marketing Associations mantra referred to above à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ marketers should strive to be truthful in all situations and at all times. Clearly this was not the case. Q2. Is it ethical for you to offer the advertising discount? What effect does that discount have on your companys balance sheet? Because the companys sales forecasting system has predicted that quarterly sales will be substantially under quota, the vice president of sales has authorized a 20-percent discount on new orders, with the only stipulation being that customers must take delivery prior to the end of the quarter so that accounting can book the order. Start dialing for dollars, she says, and get what you can. Be creative. With that said, three creative strategies were implemented. The second strategy that the salesperson tried was that instead of offering the discount, the salesperson offers the product at full price, but agrees to pay a 20-percent credit in the next quarter, that way the full price is booked for this quarter. The salespersons pitch claims that the companys marketing department analyzed past sales with a fancy new computer system and determined that increasing advertising will cause additional sales, so if they order more product now, next quarter the company will give 20-percent of the order back to pay for advertising. The obvious is that the customer is going to receive the credit next quarter and not buy product in that quarter, killing your sales for that quarter, but thatll be a problem for next quarter. According to the Journal of Indian Management, Advertising is the life blood of all business organizations, without which the products or services cannot flow to the distributors or sellers, and on to the consumers or users. Unethical issues in advertisement include providing misleading information, using ambiguous terms and defaulting and promised rewards. [2] After analyzing the given circumstances that the companys salesperson created, many of these unethical issues were brought up. The salesperson first gave misleading information, by claiming that the marketing department analyzed past sales using a fancy new computer system that determined increasing advertising will cause additional sales. Secondly, the salesperson promised a reward, by stating that by buying more product in this quarter, the company in return will reward 20-percent of their order back for advertising. Lastly, the whole sales pitch used ambiguous terms. For example, the salesperson used terms such as, ou r fancy new computer system, but mainly well give you 20-percent of the order back to pay for advertising.' What and how exactly will the company determine whether or not the 20-percent given back to the customer will be used for advertising, as that is a part of the agreement in the salespersons pitch? With all said and done, the salespersons advertising discount offer strategy for increasing the companys quarterly sales is highly unethical and raises several red flags. If the advertising discount offer is accepted by both sides, then the balance sheet for the current quarterly sales will show a boom in sales, however in the following quarter, the advertising discount will show up as a bust in the balance sheet, because that is when the 20-percent of the customers order will be credited back to the customer for advertising purposes. Q3. Is it ethical for you to ship to the fictitious company? Is it legal? According to Business Law and the Legal Environment by Beatty and Samuelson, Ethics is the study of how people ought to act. [3] We believe the Dialing for Dollars salesperson acted very unethically for the reasons stated below. Many organizations create a Code of Ethics which states the organizations primary values, and sets the rules employees should abide by. No legitimate business will have a Code of Ethics that makes behavior such as this salespersons actions acceptable. Due to expected low quota, the vice president allowed employees to offer a 20% discount on new orders. The words start dialing for dollarsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ and get what you can. Be creativeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ are not instructions to behave unethically. They mean that the salesperson should use creativity in trying to sell as much merchandise as possible, but in an ethical and legal fashion. This particular salesperson, out of desperation, sold $40,000 dollars worth of merchandise to a fictitious company owned by his brother-in-law. It is not ethical to ship to a fictitious company. The quota is met but the product is returned in the next quarter. A big lying scheme was formed with the brother-in-law. This deception causes the company to produce more merchandise based on deceptive sales amounts, which will result in the company being harmed in the long run. According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, their mission is to reduce the incidence of fraud and white-collar crime. They performed a research using Benfords law to detect fraud, [4] which looked at investigative and audit sampling methods. They described something similar to what was done by the salesperson to be an embezzlement scheme. It is also illegal because the sales person created a fictitious company using his brother-in-law as the front person and allowed the company to perform a credit check. Moreover, this salesperson is also causing his company to record fictitious revenue which is also fraud. This is a serious problem as the company is not aware of the scheme it is being unwittingly involved in. The CPA Journal provides ways for company auditors to catch this type of fraud. They provide the following advice: Be skeptical about large revenue transactions recorded near the fiscal year-endà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ and In reviewing purchase orders, auditors should look for cancellation clauses that could negate the sale. Auditors should read sales contracts and look for cancellation privileges and lapse dates. Revenue should not be recorded until the cancellation privilege lapses. [5] In summary, shipping products to a fictitious company is both unethical and illegal. It causes many problems for the company in the long run. Ultimately, the company is responsible as it should take the proper steps in reviewing sales to ensure no such scheme is happening. Since the salesperson represents the company, if caught, they will both be charged with fraud. Q4. Describe the impact of your activities on next quarters inventories. The impact of the three sales actions above would have terrible effects on the inventories. All of the returned material would become overstock. Since the automated system noticed the trend of increase in sales of the product it would wrongly forecast higher demand of the product. This would result in compounding the overstock problem by eventually increasing the amount of finished goods of the product in stock even more. On top of receiving back the returned product, the automated process to increase production would cause increased orders for raw materials for the manufacture of the product. With the finished product overstock from the returns as well as ill-advised over-production and increased raw materials, space for storing all of the inventories within the warehouse may also become a problem. Further, with the increased orders for the raw materials and possible negative net income from all of the returns, the company could be placed in jeopardy with its cash flow. Depending up on how bad the situation gets, the company may be put in a position to have the sales team sell the product at a loss in order to get inventory levels back to normal and not take any further, worse losses. In terms of accounting for inventories, one can also look at the calculation for Cost of Goods Sold as referenced from Cornerstones of Managerial Accounting: Cost of Goods Manufactured + Finished goods inventory (beg. of period) Finished goods inventory (end of period) Cost of Goods Sold The Finished Goods inventory at the end of the next quarter (regardless of when the items are returned) would be increased dramatically by the returned product. This in turn would inevitably have a negative effect on the Cost of Goods Sold at the end of the next quarter. Materials inventory as used in calculations for Cost of Goods Manufactured would also be affected because of the increase in raw materials purchased. The formula for Cost of Goods Manufactured as shown in Cornerstones of Managerial Accounting is: Direct Materials + Direct Labor + Overhead + WIP (beg. of period) WIP (end of period) Cost of Goods Manufactured Since the Direct Materials would be increased because of the increase in purchases, then the Cost of Goods Manufactured would be increased, which in turn would increase the Cost of Goods Sold again. Summary Why is ethics in business important? Society views unethical behavior by business leadership as being socially irresponsible. Bad ethical behavior can result in crushing blows to a companys public image, resulting in a greatly decreased bottom line. Ethics is so critical that management has to pay close attention to it in order to survive. Customers reaction to unethical management behavior can force an organization out of business. Additionally, deceptive behavior and short cuts usually result in lawsuits and injuries, adding to a companys woes. In the end, its always best to do the right thing from the outset.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Phnom Penh
I was born in Kampong Cham Province and I have moved to live in Phnom Penh since I finished my high school. When I first came here in Phnom Penh, I felt very surprise and scare. The building and people were far different from my hometown. I got around Phnom Penh by motorbike for a first few days. I saw many high rise buildings; especially the city's French colonial buildings were beautiful. I saw some different kind of transportation that running on the road such as: modern car, Motorbikes, Motorbike-taxis (motodops), Taxis were available at a few locations, Tuk-tuks, and Cyclos. There transportations were in the great amount if compared to my province and it sometimes caused a very serious traffic jam and accidents. I also went to the Royal Palace which no photography was allowed inside the Silver Pagoda and some of the Palace buildings. You were expected to dress decently (no bare legs or shoulders). Beside this, I went to Wat Phnom. I liked the park there. It was a pleasant green space and a popular gathering place for locals. A few monkeys kept quarters there as well and will helped themselves to any drinks you leave unattended. After that I went to Independence and Liberation memorials. Impressive Buddhist-style Independence Memorial, commemorating the departure of the French in 1953, dominated the centre of the city. Nearby was the very ugly Stalin-style Liberation Memorial, marking the Vietnamese capture of the city in 1979. The area was especially popular on weekend nights with locals when the multi-colored fountains were activated and communal music was played. I took several pictures there and got some rest. I also went to Sorya shopping center which located at the south of the Central Market. It's on a North-South Street on the west side. It is currently Phnom Penh's main Western-style mall. It is air-conditioned and contains a range of cheap fast-food outlets as well as a well-stocked supermarket named Lucky Supermarket. You can do shopping, eating, drinking, playing game and whatsoever. Everything is served here. After I live in Phnom Penh for many years, I feel that it is completely different from my province. Phnom Penh is developing very fast. Many high buildings were built, many companies were established and the whole city’s infrastructures are constructing rapidly. One I feel very anxious about is people here are competing for each other very aggressively. If you are not smart enough and you don’t high education, you will be jobless, isolate and demise from the society.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Minimum of Two Suggests That Family Can Be Both a Blessing and a Curse
In Tim Winton’s collection of short stories, ‘Minimum of Two’, family is a major, recurring theme. Winton displays his interest in exploring the idea of family within each story differently, containing the positive and negative influence that family has on the actions and emotions of the Nilsam family and his alternative protagonists. In ‘Distant Lands’, he deals with the feeling of obligation towards and the traditional expectations of family whilst in ‘The Water Was Dark’ the focus is on a need to separate oneself from negative family completely. Laps’ focuses on how family can help you move on from her past. Winton has a strong belief that family shapes the kind of person one becomes, regardless of whether that is a good, or bad natured person. Within the short story ‘Distant Lands’, although it is portrayed subtly, family plays an important role. We are told of Fat Maz’s parents; her mother, who sits in the family shop for the majority of her day, emitting ‘dull thudding’ sounds from the register and Maz’s father, who is portrayed as a hot headed, intimidating individual. As Winton goes on to display Maz’s character, which contains attributes the likes of reserved, self-conscious yet quietly ambitious, we are made to create a link between Maz’s persona and her parents, that of which one is silent and dismal and the other unapproachable, and the realization that it was the impact of her family that has built the aspects her character by failing to restore her confidence and paying little to no attention of whether Maz had her own ambitions. This contributes to her overall quietness. The Water Was Dark’ has it’s protagonist, ‘the girl’, who is struggling to escape from the negativity of her mother. The girl lists her mother’s many faults bitterly and her mother’s poor decisions’ impact show heavily as we read in to the girl’s thoughts. The girl has no actual stability that she feels in her life and she is angry at her mother because her mother is to be blamed. She actually says in many a sense that her life would collectively improve if her mother rid herself of the poisonous things in her life, like drinking and being isolated. Basically, the state of the girl’s family is so ruined that she herself becomes destructive. Despite the lack of encouragement, in ‘Distant Lands’ Maz’s parents actually follow the traditional expectations associated with family. They give Maz a roof over a head and a secure, paying job in a small town. It is not what Maz wants however it is a safe, stable environment and so Maz feels a sense of debt towards her family. ‘Laps’ revolves around Queenie and her family. Queenie’s daughter Dot provides a great contrast in regards to most of the adolescents Winton writes. She is not only in a secure and stabile lifestyle, but she is content. It could be argued that this is because she is younger than other characters explored by Winton however given that Queenie and Cleve are in a healthy marriage and they openly show their pride, care and love towards their daughter, it is clear that Dot will be provided with a more normal, happy life. Every Family is different from the other. Certain are functional and certain are falling apart at the seams. The short stories of Minimum of Two explore this through different experiences and circumstances which directly reflect on how the characters are portrayed. Family is a huge aspect of a person’s identity. Throughout the stories, Winton gives us examples of how the support and love of family are required for one to be fully satisfied with life and truly be aware of their identity. The absence of this supportive, healthy family will most likely outcome in a never-ending negativity for the members within that family. In most instances, the impact of family can either act as a curse that increases one’s isolation and negativity or a blessing that provides a sense of belonging and contentment, not only with the family itself but also with the broader world. Mainly, the stories of Minimum of Two suggest that regardless of being moral or immoral, family shapes oneself.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Essay on The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe - 1130 Words
A short story I have recentrly read which has an incident or moment of great tension is, the Tell - Tale Heart, written by Edgar Allen Poe. The short story can produce many different types of characters. Usually, these characters are faced with situations that give us an insight into their true character. The main character of the story is faced with a fear. He is afraid of an Old Mans Eye that lives with him. The actions that this charecter or man - as he is known in the story - performs in order to stop his fear can lead others to believe that he suffers from some sort of mental illness. The very fact that this man is so repulsed by the old mans eye, which he refers to as the evil eye, is reason enough to be suspicious of†¦show more content†¦Every night he would watch the old man sleep. He found comfort in knowing that the eye was not watching him, that it could not see the true evil in him. While the eye was closed, so was the idea of killing the old man. It is not until the old man awakens each day that the struggle within him is apparent. This may be the reason why the narrator is so obsessed with watching the old man sleep. The actual act of murder, which the man believes was premeditated, was in fact a spur of the moment action. He toiled with the idea while the man was awake, that is, while he could see the evil eye. However, while the eye was closed, the man was at peace. One night, during one of the mans stalking sessions, the old man awakens. The man goes into a paranoid frenzy, mistaking the beating of his heart for the beating of the old mans heart. During this frenzy, the man is afraid that neighbors will hear the beating of the old mans heart. This causes the man to take action. He quickly subdues the old man and kills him. He then takes extreme steps in disposing of the body, dismembering it and burying it under the planks in the floorboard. These extreme actions can be used as evidence to the paranoia that is taking o ver him. The fear of getting caught would be a normal reaction to someone who has committed a murder. However, the dismemberment of the body was not necessary since the man had ample resources to dispose ofShow MoreRelatedThe Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allen Poe1427 Words  | 6 PagesMeghan Amorim ENWR 106:29 Professor Ghoshal 27 September 2015 The Tell Tale Heart In â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart†, by Edgar Allen Poe, the reader is presented with the short story of a madman who narrates his murder of an old man because, â€Å"he had the eye of a vulture --a pale blue eye, with a film over it†(Poe 105). The narrator has thought thoroughly about his plan to murder this old man, and the murderer then stashes his body underneath the floorboards. Eventually, his guilt overcomes him and he startsRead MoreThe Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allen Poe993 Words  | 4 PagesIn â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†by Edgar Allen Poe, it is classified as a short story with horror fiction as the genre. This was written in three different types of fear during the Romanticism period. In this short story the encounter is filtered through the eyes of the unnamed dynamic narrator. The narrator consumes upon the old man’s eye and determines to perform a conscious act of murder. Fear is defined as a horrid feeling that is caused by a belief that a person or something is unsafe, most likelyRead MoreThe Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allen Poe1103 Words  | 5 PagesThe Tell-Tale Heart I am doing my essay on â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†by Edgar Allen Poe. I am going to tell you about the author and what he is greatly known for, next I will summarize the story and tell you the main themes and parts of the story that really play a big role in the story, then I will describe all the symbolisms in the story, and last I will prove that the deed drove the narrator insane more than he was already. The author of â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†is Edgar Allen Poe. Poe was born onRead MoreThe Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allen Poe1851 Words  | 8 Pagesdisease had sharpened my senses--not destroyed--not dulled them. Above all was the sense of hearing acute. I heard all things in heaven and in the Earth. I heard many things in hell. How, then, am I mad?†(Page 1, Poe). In the short story, â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart,†author Edgar Allen Poe explores insanity; and provides a study of paranoia and mental deterioration through an unreliable narrator. Throughout this macabre, sinister, narrative short story, the narrator attempts to convince readers of hisRead MoreThe Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allen Poe981 Words  | 4 PagesThe Tell-Tale Heart In the first-person short story â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†by Edgar Allen Poe Men have guilty intentions. A man can have a heart and do something harmful and have guilty intentions afterwards. It has a lot to do with how a person is feeling on the inside to actually determine their intentions. The Tale-Tell Heart follows an unnamed narrator who insists on his sanity after murdering an old man with a vulture eye. From the complex of all of Poe s short stories, The Tell-TaleRead MoreThe Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allen Poe1703 Words  | 7 PagesIn â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart†, by Edgar Allen Poe, the narrator both experiences guilt from killing the old man in which he cared for and also the constant plea of proving his sanity. The narrator one day decides that he should kill the old man in which he cares for, due to the fact that he had an evil eye. Though insane and bizarre, the narrator thinks that he is not crazy; he just has heightened senses that allow him to hear things that no human could ever hear. The telling of the story from whateverRead MoreThe Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allen Poe921 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"The Tell Tale Heart†is a famous short story written by Edgar Allen Poe. The story was first published in 1843. This story is about an unnamed man who kills an elderly man due to his â€Å"vulture eye†. The man serves as the narrator in this story and describes to readers in detail as he carefully stalks the man, kills him and hides his body under his floorboards after he cuts him up. Eventually, the narrator’s guilt eats him alive to the point that he confesses his crime to three visiting policemenRead MoreThe Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allen Poe Essay1452 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†Analysis and Opinion Edgar Allen Poe, born January 19, 1809 in Boston Massachusetts, is famously known for his tales and poems of horror and mystery that evoked the interest of readers worldwide, and still do to this day. Some background about Poe is that his father, David Poe Jr., left his family early in Poe’s life, and his mother, Elizabeth Arnold Poe, died when Poe was just three years old due to tuberculosis. He had to be separated from his sister, Rosalie, and his brotherRead MoreThe Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allen Poe934 Words  | 4 Pagesthe head and the arms and the legs†, said the madman (39). In Edgar Allen Poe’s short story, â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†, the themes are vital for readers to identify with the madman’s reasoning of every single action he executes. Such events as in the first sentence would be difficult, if not impossible, to grasp without the knowledge of any themes. While some individuals may feel that themes are merely add-on elements in similar tales, this analysis will establish quite the contrary. The themes areRead MoreThe Tell Tale Heart By Edgar Allen Poe Essay2597 Words  | 11 PagesEdgar Allen Poe is one of the best short stories writers and known for his insane crimes and gruesome murders. How he portrays the murderer is his art and how he makes the readers feel is his talent. Often in his short stories he used common themes, but the plots are different. In comparing three of Poe’s short stories â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†, â€Å"Hop Frog†and â€Å"The Cask of the Amontillado†a reader can see common themes such as love and hate, revenge and insanity. In Poe’s story, â€Å"The Tell Tale Heartâ€
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