Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Twelve Caesars What Makes A Good Leader - 1345 Words
The Twelve Caesars: What Makes a Good Leader? Suetonius was born around 68-9 AD, possibly in Hippo Regius (Suetonius xviii). His mentor described him as ‘scholarly and honorable’ and many held him in high regard (xix). Suetonius completed The Twelve Caesars sometime during the 120s during the peak of his career (xxiii). Suetonius conveys his opinion of each emperor indirectly through how he portrays their vices and virtues. According to Suetonius, a Roman leaders good and bad qualities included their military successes, relations with the citizens of Rome, mental stability, and private relationships. Suetonius believed that Augustus embodied many of the characteristics of a good leader. The military campaigns of the Caesars made Rome one of the largest empires of the ancient world. Suetonius conveys through his writings that being a good military leader and a good Caesar were synonymous. Augustus, who Suetonius thought an excellent leader, reunited the eastern and western halves of the Roman Empire ( 51) and greatly expanded Romes territory (53). Augustus â€Å"showed not only skill as a commander, but courage as a soldier†in the eyes of his contemporaries (47). On the other hand, both Caligula and Nero, considered poor leaders by Suetonius, had very limited military success and aspirations. Only once did Caligula initiate a military exploit, and it was rife with his madness. His campaign into Germany was on a whim and all he accomplished was receiving the surrender of aShow MoreRelatedJulius Caesar’S Rise To Fame. Was It True That All Roads1484 Words  | 6 Pagespopulated. There were many great leaders in the Roman Empire, but Julius Caesar was o ne that stood out the most. Caesar installed many progressive changes and military conquests to help Rome thrive. 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