Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Twelve Caesars What Makes A Good Leader - 1345 Words
The Twelve Caesars: What Makes a Good Leader? Suetonius was born around 68-9 AD, possibly in Hippo Regius (Suetonius xviii). His mentor described him as ‘scholarly and honorable’ and many held him in high regard (xix). Suetonius completed The Twelve Caesars sometime during the 120s during the peak of his career (xxiii). Suetonius conveys his opinion of each emperor indirectly through how he portrays their vices and virtues. According to Suetonius, a Roman leaders good and bad qualities included their military successes, relations with the citizens of Rome, mental stability, and private relationships. Suetonius believed that Augustus embodied many of the characteristics of a good leader. The military campaigns of the Caesars made Rome one of the largest empires of the ancient world. Suetonius conveys through his writings that being a good military leader and a good Caesar were synonymous. Augustus, who Suetonius thought an excellent leader, reunited the eastern and western halves of the Roman Empire ( 51) and greatly expanded Romes territory (53). Augustus â€Å"showed not only skill as a commander, but courage as a soldier†in the eyes of his contemporaries (47). On the other hand, both Caligula and Nero, considered poor leaders by Suetonius, had very limited military success and aspirations. Only once did Caligula initiate a military exploit, and it was rife with his madness. His campaign into Germany was on a whim and all he accomplished was receiving the surrender of aShow MoreRelatedJulius Caesar’S Rise To Fame. Was It True That All Roads1484 Words  | 6 Pagespopulated. There were many great leaders in the Roman Empire, but Julius Caesar was o ne that stood out the most. Caesar installed many progressive changes and military conquests to help Rome thrive. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Visiting a Hinduism Religion - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 697 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/08/12 Category Religion Essay Level High school Tags: Hinduism Essay Did you like this example? I recently attended an Indian wedding with my family as my brothers best friend is of Hinduism religion. The wedding took place at India House Banquets in Schaumburg and was really interesting to compare to the many catholic weddings I have been to. When visiting this area that many Hinduism weddings take place, it was noted how different they are from Catholic churches Before discussing the most interesting ritual I witnessed, some of the things that are different from a traditional Catholic wedding were the clothes and lengths. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Visiting a Hinduism Religion" essay for you Create order As my brother was one of the men who stood up in his wedding, Hindi people celebrate week long for their weddings. One day is designated to the bride and her bridesmaids getting their henna done, another day is designated to the bachelor and bachelorette party and the wedding itself begins early in the morning and lasts all day. Another thing that I found to be amazing was the clothes they wear for wedding celebrations. The outfits they wear are stunning and they do a few outfit changes from the ceremony to the banquet hall. Overall, this was such an amazing experience and I wish everyone would have the opportunity to experience a wedding in a religion other than their own. Jumping into my favorite part of the wedding was a ritual called the Seven Steps when the couple to be married walks around this ring of fire. This is the most important ritual as after the seventh, and final step, the man and woman are legally husband and wife. This is different as in my familiar religion, the couple says their vows and undergoes a service in which they are granted marriage ending in a you may not kiss the bride. One of the biggest problems of this ritual was the language barrier but it was translated in an easier way as I asked the groom after the fact. The importance of this walk is many different prayers to their God reaching out for different blessings. The groom says something and then the bride will respond as they both are making lifelong promises to each other and to the God. Starting with the first step, they pray for healthy food and a respectful life together. The next step is physical health along with mental stability and spiritual strength to live the best and pure life as husband and wife. The third step is asking for wealth, wisdom, and prosperity. The next step was happiness for them forever and it also signifies the importance of family, parents, and elders. The fifth step was praying to God asking for his blessings and kindness on all living things. This also connects to praying for their friends and other relatives. The sixth step asks again for lifelong happiness and a long life together. The seventh step ends this ritual as it pronounces the husband and wife legally married. They both agree to have a long life together of loyalty and companionship along with honesty and universal peace. As this ritual is happening, the man always starts the pledge and the woman responds in agreement mentioning we this and that. This was something that I found to be the most interesting ritual as it is something I have never seen before. When the groom was explaining to me this ritual I found it to be so passionate and meaningful. The different steps they take show their everlasting love for each other. This relates to a theme weve encountered in our readings on Hinduism as Dharma is the universal law. Living in harmony is important as Dharma is the core of the Hindu practice. They will never go to through the afterlife process if they do not follow their Dharma. When the couple gets married, they can pursue Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha together as a married couple. In India, a common way to have a spouse is through an arranged marriage and this is still in effect today as it is the most preferred way. It is very difficult to find a spouse the family approves of and family plays a major role in this religion as we have read in the Mahabharata.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Kes the Play Free Essays
kes In this assignment I am writing about the play called†kes†how Barry Hines the author of Kes brought his characters to life. He has gone into great detail and time to produce this play by trying to bring his characters to reality by their language , the surroundings of that area and the clothing they wear. The area where this scene is set is in a rough, unpleasant place, Barnsley. We will write a custom essay sample on Kes the Play or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although Barnsley is local to us, it is an industrial working class area were poor unwealthy people go to work and try to make end meet to feed their families. All these characters show how they act as normal on an ordinary day, because Barry Hines needed to get across the description that effect his characters in the play. Billy did not have a good relationship between his family his mom and brother. His mom does not care for Billy, all she wants to do is go to parities and knockabout with men, this shows that her children don’t come first in her life. Billy clothes are dirty and appalling with wholes and stains in them because he doesn’t wash his clothes. In the morning when he wakes up his mom doesn’t leave tea in the pot for him and tells him to go to the shop for her to buy cigs, before he goes to school, so Billy will be late, Billy runs out the house and goes to school after having an argument with his mom to go to the shop for cigs. His mom doesn’t have any money for him for hi school dinner because she spent it the night before or she needs it for the night ahead. Billys brother Jud steals his snap for school and takes his bike so Billy’s got nothing for school. Jud went out one night and got really drunk when he came home, Jud woke Billy up to undress him because he was too drunk to do it himself, it is the only way Billy can get his own back by slapping and shouting at him â€Å"you drunken sow og pig bastard. Billys school life is not much better than his home life; his school is run down, horrible and dirty. He thinks the whole world is against him and does get along with other kids in school he doesn’t knock about with any mate’s accept his kestrel bird. Barry Hines the other of Kes describes a bewildering scene into which Billy fits appropriately when he is fighting over a schoolmate over his brother â€Å"Im not frightened of him that would be if he were here I bet I know somebody who could fight him. Soon the fight broke out in the playground everyone gathered round. There is one teacher in the school that takes and interest in Billy due to the hawk. He helped Billy against McDowel so Billy would not get into trouble. The teacher Mr Farthering finds out about Billy’s hawk and asked if he could see the bird. The kestrel is the only pleasure Billy gets in his life, he found it in the formers land in the forest and asked if he could have it, ever since he has owned Kes (name of the bird) he’s been training it, he was so interested in this bird he went to the library to find a book on kestrel but he was not allowed to take it out because he was not a member so he stole it, because Billy was not wealthy his brother and him had to share a bed together. Billy has a paper round, when he goes to collect his papers he steals chocolates and drinks he does this because he is hungry and he probably doesn’t get enough food at home. Billy does his papers in a bad area, the owner of the newsagent Mr Potter said Billys brother Jud gave Billy ? 10 to go and bet on a hoarse, so he went down prepared to bet for Jud as he was down there, Billy spoke to one of Jud’s mates and said it wasn’t worth betting on that hoarse, well Billy did not need to be told twice so he used the money to buy food for him and his bird. As soon as Jud found out his hoarse won and there was no bet on it he went looking for Billy, but Billy hid every time he saw his brother, so Jud stopped looking and went to find Billys only friend in the world and killed his hawk. As soon as Billy found his bird he ran and buried it in the field and went to bed. How to cite Kes the Play, Papers
Kes the Play Free Essays
kes In this assignment I am writing about the play called†kes†how Barry Hines the author of Kes brought his characters to life. He has gone into great detail and time to produce this play by trying to bring his characters to reality by their language , the surroundings of that area and the clothing they wear. The area where this scene is set is in a rough, unpleasant place, Barnsley. We will write a custom essay sample on Kes the Play or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although Barnsley is local to us, it is an industrial working class area were poor unwealthy people go to work and try to make end meet to feed their families. All these characters show how they act as normal on an ordinary day, because Barry Hines needed to get across the description that effect his characters in the play. Billy did not have a good relationship between his family his mom and brother. His mom does not care for Billy, all she wants to do is go to parities and knockabout with men, this shows that her children don’t come first in her life. Billy clothes are dirty and appalling with wholes and stains in them because he doesn’t wash his clothes. In the morning when he wakes up his mom doesn’t leave tea in the pot for him and tells him to go to the shop for her to buy cigs, before he goes to school, so Billy will be late, Billy runs out the house and goes to school after having an argument with his mom to go to the shop for cigs. His mom doesn’t have any money for him for hi school dinner because she spent it the night before or she needs it for the night ahead. Billys brother Jud steals his snap for school and takes his bike so Billy’s got nothing for school. Jud went out one night and got really drunk when he came home, Jud woke Billy up to undress him because he was too drunk to do it himself, it is the only way Billy can get his own back by slapping and shouting at him â€Å"you drunken sow og pig bastard. Billys school life is not much better than his home life; his school is run down, horrible and dirty. He thinks the whole world is against him and does get along with other kids in school he doesn’t knock about with any mate’s accept his kestrel bird. Barry Hines the other of Kes describes a bewildering scene into which Billy fits appropriately when he is fighting over a schoolmate over his brother â€Å"Im not frightened of him that would be if he were here I bet I know somebody who could fight him. Soon the fight broke out in the playground everyone gathered round. There is one teacher in the school that takes and interest in Billy due to the hawk. He helped Billy against McDowel so Billy would not get into trouble. The teacher Mr Farthering finds out about Billy’s hawk and asked if he could see the bird. The kestrel is the only pleasure Billy gets in his life, he found it in the formers land in the forest and asked if he could have it, ever since he has owned Kes (name of the bird) he’s been training it, he was so interested in this bird he went to the library to find a book on kestrel but he was not allowed to take it out because he was not a member so he stole it, because Billy was not wealthy his brother and him had to share a bed together. Billy has a paper round, when he goes to collect his papers he steals chocolates and drinks he does this because he is hungry and he probably doesn’t get enough food at home. Billy does his papers in a bad area, the owner of the newsagent Mr Potter said Billys brother Jud gave Billy ? 10 to go and bet on a hoarse, so he went down prepared to bet for Jud as he was down there, Billy spoke to one of Jud’s mates and said it wasn’t worth betting on that hoarse, well Billy did not need to be told twice so he used the money to buy food for him and his bird. As soon as Jud found out his hoarse won and there was no bet on it he went looking for Billy, but Billy hid every time he saw his brother, so Jud stopped looking and went to find Billys only friend in the world and killed his hawk. As soon as Billy found his bird he ran and buried it in the field and went to bed. How to cite Kes the Play, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Profitable Product Innovation
Question: Discuss about the Profitable Product Innovation. Answer: Introduction In case Australia has to become a clever country in true sense of the word, then the organizations should think of innovation as their core business (Hrtel Fujimoto, 2014). The discussions that were held with Mr. Tony Smith have shown that innovation is a very vital issue for the CEOs of Fortune 500. The findings have shown that even the CEOs from all around the globe have listed innovation as a significant challenge and as per them it is second only to human capital in terms of priority. However, the Australian CEOs rate innovation as a priority of the fourth order. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the entire organization to build an innovation capability. This requires a strong commitment in several areas which include strategic leadership. Additionally, three reasons contribute to the benefits that innovation provides. These are its influence on strategic planning, enhancement of productivity and competitive advantage. The capability of innovation cannot develop by itself. It has to be formulated consciously and planned, organized, controlled as well as driven into place (Hrtel Fujimoto, 2014). Hence, innovation forms the key to the challenges that are being faced by contemporary management. This report will be discussing the management challenges which will be faced by the Australian mangers in future in terms of innovation capability, the environmental factors in the external environment that will influence managerial decisions in future and the processes and priorities of the organization in the next five years. Management Challenge Presented by Innovation In any organization, innovation is a core process for renewal and until the managers are prepared for working constantly towards what is offered by renewing, how that offering is created as well as delivered, there is a high probability that the organization will not be able to survive in the turbulent environment that exists today. For firms to remain competitive innovation is essential. For enhancing success of innovation, its readiness for innovation needs to be assessed (Holt Daspit, 2015) Management of innovation is among the strategic tasks that contemporary organizations face and managers have to take into account a number of key challenges for this in the next five years and these are as follows -. Why Change? Innovation requires learning as well as unlearning and strategic direction is needed for focusing on the innovative process (Tidd Bessant, 2001). Accumulation of a large knowledge base is not enough rapid innovations are needed with the capability of the management to coordinate effectively and also redeploy external as well as internal competencies. It has been observed that though it lip service can be easily paid to this sort of challenge, evidence has suggested that firms are usually not good in terms of learning (Wladawsky-Berger, 2008). Besides this, seeing and also responding to the requirements of continuous learning is a capability that is not distributed widely and hence it innovation presents a challenge to mangers (Hamel, 2000). What to Change? Challenges may be faced in putting together an appropriate agenda for innovation even if the managers are able to recognize and also accept the need for innovating continuously. The firms need to have awareness regarding the extensive space inside which the possibilities of innovation are present and consequently attempt the development of a strategic portfolio which can provide effective coverage to this territory and balance both resources and risks (Francis, 2001). Understanding Innovation The way in which innovation is thought about by people is another challenge. Even though it is a term that is used commonly, the meaning that is attached to it by people differs and therefore their behaviour towards innovation will also differ widely (Tidd Bessant, 2001). For instance people might confuse innovation with invention. For invention to become innovation numerous steps are involved and it involves multiple resources along with problem solving. Innovation may also be thought of as being about science and technology which leads to the creation of new opportunities but at times technological possibilities fail to become innovations. Building a Culture for Innovation Innovation presents a set of puzzles which keep mutating constantly. There is no clarity regarding the rules of this puzzle and there is no one correct answer as there is a continuous change in questions. At times a particular firm might come up with an answer that might work for them. However, if other firms attempt to follow them, they may not be successful to the same extent as the previous firm was and the problems might become worse. Although innovation routines contribute to competitive advantage, they cannot be copied easily from one firm to another. They need to be learned and then practiced for a sustained time period (Pavitt, 2001). Continuous Learning There is a constant shift in the innovation agenda and for dealing with the major challenges, that the environment poses, routines have to be developed by the firms. All the things need not be engineered right from the start. There are differences between copying blindly and also developing as well as adopting a good practice that is used by somebody else (Cooper, 2003). The organization should have the ability of repeating by having relevant routines in place. Since innovation is not a problem that is static for which a specific solution will fit, thus firms need to keep finding their solutions constantly to the shifting puzzles. High Involvement Innovation Innovation is basically concerned about creative problem solving and with increase in the uncertainty and turbulence in the environment, the need for such a capability rises. With markets becoming uncertain, increase in regulatory pressures, technological opportunities and threats changing rapidly, shifts in the competitive and customer requirements and numerous other variables that have to be dealt with, the probability of obtaining the correct innovative response decreases. It becomes essential for the organizations to enhance their capacity of innovation and this requires mobilizing large amounts of participation in innovation and implementing this concept becomes challenging as the process is unfamiliar, risky and untested for several organizations (Bessant Caffyn, 2001). How to Develop Innovation Capability There are seven ways in which innovation can be fostered by the managers which include being on purpose, questioning and listening, risk experimentation, reflecting and synthesizing, considering the dynamics of inside out and outside in, fostering generativity and being authentic (Cashman, 2013). Organisational capability is an approach that is usually employed by the managers to foster innovation and manage it. As per this approach, product innovations over a period of time are managed better by nurturing as well as enhancing the organisations capabilities as an engine of innovation. Superior performances of businesses of the organizations are dependent on investments made in innovation capability on a large scale rather than the investments made in creating physical assets. The stronger the forms innovation capability, the more will be the effectiveness of their innovation performance (Lawson Samson, 2001). Three factors help in determining the way in which the managers can associate capability with innovation. These are The leading innovators need to take the innovation capability as something that is more than just RD and all the corners of the organization need to undergo restructuring along with encouragement and reward to facilitate innovation. Managers who are successful view innovation as a competitive advantage and also as a mechanism for the creation of new knowledge and also form a link between the innovation stream with the capabilities as well as technologies of the mainstream. Innovation breakthroughs via behaviours that are chaotic and divergent are accommodated and are also channelized systematically by the managers despite the presence of uncertainty (Razavi Attarnezhad, 2013). The seven elements of the capability of the organization that mangers need to keep a watch on in the next five years for fostering innovation consist of vision and strategy, competence base being harnessed, organizational intelligence, idea management and creativity, organizational structures, climate and structure and technology management (Lawson Samson, 2001). External Factors that need to be watched An shift that is ongoing in the economic activity globally from the developed to the developing economies, coupled with rise in the consumers in the markets of the emerging nations, are the major global developments that are viewed by executives worldwide as most significant for businesses and also very positive for the profits of the organizations globally in the coming five years. Two other critical positive aspects of globalization have also been identified by the executives. These comprise technologies enabling information to flow freely across the world and an increasing number of labour markets globally (Dye Stephenson, 2010). Apart from this, tomorrows company will be operating in a capital market with a different imperative wherein the rewards will be in the form of responsible business that is able to create value both for itself and also for its shareholders in a longer time period. Hence, sustainability will be a crucial aspect in the future business environment that mang ers will have to consider (Adams, 2014). As per the Contingency Theory Model of Fiedler, the style of leadership reflects the personality as well as behaviour and the styles of leadership are generally constant. Styles are not changed by leaders, rather they change the situation. For effective leadership, an appropriate fit is required between the behaviour and style of the leader and the followers as well as the situation (Fiedler, 1976). Thus, as per this theory, the design of organizational structure that is most significant is the one wherein the structure fits into the contingencies (Donaldson, 2006). In the global economy of today, contingency leadership is very essential. Successful styles of leadership vary from one place to another (Peretomode, 2012). Innovation provides several benefits in the form of enhancement of productivity, strategic planning and competitive advantage. The responsibility of building innovation capability rests on the entire environment and it needs a strong level of commitment from ever quarter of the organization which also consists of the strategic leadership. Innovative capability cannot develop by itself and needs conscious formulation along with planning, organizing, controlling as well as being driven to its place. The main challenges posed by innovation to the managers are related to its proper understanding, developing an appropriate culture, learning continuously and getting the organization highly involved in the innovative process. For fostering innovation the managers need to consider it more than just a process of RD, it should be thought of as a competitive advantage and divergent behaviours need to be accommodated. For operating in the external environment the managers need to make adjustment s of the main variables that are presented before them and also to the priorities and processes of the organization. They can also make use of the Competing Values Framework for guiding the management decisions under certain types of environments. Recommendations The firm needs to adopt the given three recommendations in the coming five years for ensuring that the management organizational processes as well as priorities are flexible and also adaptable. The managers must be able to make changes in strategies and tactics for ensuring effective performance and organisations continued survival in face of opportunities or threats as a result of changes occurring in the external environment. The managers must be able to maintain an appropriate balance between the objectives which consist of trade-offs which are difficult like efficiency and reliability and the requirement of innovative adaptation to opportunities and threats that emerge (Yukl Mahsud, 2010). The managers should balance opposite kinds of behaviour and competing values in accordance with the situation for creating a culture of innovation (Kaiser, Lindberg, Craig, 2007). They also need to lead by example and invoke trust. References Adams, C. (2014). Sustainability and the company of the future. Retrieved September 26, 2016, from Bessant, J., Caffyn, S. (2001). An Evolutionary Model of Continuous Innovation Behaviour. Technovation , 67-77. Cashman, K. (2013, August 21). 7 Ways Leaders Can Foster Innovation. Forbes . Cooper, R. (2003). Profitable Product Innovation. In L. Shaivinina, International Handbook of Innovation. Oxford: Oxford: Elseiver Science. Donaldson, L. (2006). THE CONTINGENCY THEORY OFORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES. Dye, R., Stephenson, E. (2010). Five forces reshaping the global economy: McKinsey Global Survey results. McKinsey and Company. Fiedler, F. E. (1976). The leadership game; matching the man to the situations. Organizational dynamics , 6 16. Francis, D. (2001). Developing Innovative Capability. Brighton: University of Brighton. Hamel, G. (2000). Leading the Revolution. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. Hrtel, C., Fujimoto, Y. (2014). Human resource management. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson. Holt, D. T., Daspit, J. J. (2015). Diagnosing Innovation Readiness in Family Firms. California Management Review . Kaiser, R. B., Lindberg, J. T., Craig, S. B. (2007). Assessing the flexibility of managers: A comparison of methods. International Journal of Selection and Assessment , 40 55. Lawson, B., Samson, D. (2001). Developing Innovation Capability In Organisations: A Dynamic Capabilities Approach,. International Journal of Innovation Management , 377-400. Pavitt, K. (2001). Technology Management and Systems of Innovation. London: Edward Elgar. Peretomode, O. (2012). Situational And Contingency Theories Of Leadership: Are They The Same? Journal of Business and Management , 13-17. Razavi, R., Attarnezhad, O. (2013). Management of Organizational Innovation. International Journal of Business and Social Science , 226=232. Tidd, J., Bessant, J. (2001). Managing Innovation. Chichester, UK: John Wiley. Wladawsky-Berger, I. (2008, August 23). The Challenges of Innovation. Bloomberg . Yukl, G., Mahsud, R. (2010). Why Flexible And Adaptive Leadership Is Essential. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research , 81-93.
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